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System Update 15th October

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

A concise overview of all Exponential Bet systems, either in development between Nigel from Hedger Pro, Keith from Focus Ratings, and myself, or being reintroduced as a cloud based version from a previous software based download.

Including a progress report where necessary, how to subscribe or purchase, and the current release dates.

The JV System

If you haven't read about the JV System I've written a few posts about it, but the most recent you can read here:

The predicted annual growth for this is circa +500 points profit, and it will run initially using Cloud Bet Bot fully automated. The ETA for this version one release is the end of October, although it may spill in to the first week of November if extra time is required.

Given the power of Race Researcher, and the fact we can program the cloud system to run cross market strategies under one set up. Members can expect more ways to make money to be included within their membership as part of the single subscription, at no extra cost.

We expect to be able to double this expected ROI for the JV System over time using Race Researcher data.

You can find out more about Race Researcher here:

Ideally by the end of 2019 we'll have a module ready for inclusion within Hedger Pro. Providing the facility to run the JV System using manual filters, however this is still to be confirmed, and the initial release will be on the cloud service.

Members who join using Cloud Bet Bot once set up, bets will be placed according to the filtering criteria automatically.

These are automated bets created using Race Researcher data, which prior to joining you will have access to our historical results. Including balance growth, ROI, draw down, strike rate, runs, wins, points, commission, etc. Clearly showing what you can expect over the longer term.

You don't need to be logged in, your equipment does not need to be turned on and running, it operates on any device, with no VPS required.

You can access your account online to make any changes to your set up, or track betting activity, and you can also still use your Betfair account for any other betting or trading you do throughout the day.

Access to the JV System is invitation only, as the demand is so high we want to control member usage given the impact to the betting exchange market volume within each race.

If you would like to be added to our waiting list simply email requesting this to

Can I ask a huge favour though, if you've already requested access and received a confirmation email letting you know you're added to the list, please don't email again to make another request.

I'm not being a Victor Meldrew here, it's just I receive a lot of emails and have to manually check all requests are correctly included, which takes a lot of time out the day I could be using elsewhere. Enough said...

We are still welcoming new requests to be included in the launch of the JV System, so get in touch if you're interested.

Access for this service will be a one off joining fee, followed by a subscription. Full details of costs and subscription options will be sent to everyone who's registered.

The Trade Guide

Version 5 of the Trade Guide will integrate the Method 1 trade technique in to Hedger Pro, giving a full walk through of the process.

This is a simple trade that can be applied daily using all of the data included within Hedger Pro. The predicted annual ROI will vary per user, as this is a guide and we give you the tools to do the job, but anything upwards of +1000 points annual return is certainly possible.

Version 4 of the Trade Guide used a free to use application that was later decommissioned by the provider, and although this was not essential to successfully trade, it was very useful and a time saver.

Hedger Pro now has the same filtering parameters built in to the platform the app used to provide, and can be set up so each day the applicable races are shortlisted in advance.

In addition to this, Focus Ratings imports the R5 Ratings daily at approximately 7am to Hedger Pro, which means for trading purposes any trades can be set up in the morning to automate throughout the day if you decide to use these features.

Members do have the option to subscribe directly to Focus Ratings and receive an early version of the ratings the evening before. This is an option, and a lot of members do very well assessing the trades the eve before. My preferred method is on the morning of the racing itself.

Previously with Version 4 a file was required to be imported to Fairbot or Bet Angel, which members could then follow the external data outlined within the guide to identify the potential trades, then automate this pre race to hedge using this downloadable software.

However, with Version 5 everything is included within Hedger Pro, from identifying the potential trades using the shortlist and ratings data, to setting the trade up to automate either immediately, or at whatever minute to post you decide.

This is all done online within the one platform, with the benefit of not requiring a VPS as your device does not need to be left on and running once trades are set up.

Additionally, Hedger Pro is available to run using PC, Mac, or Smart Phones, both Apple or Android.

Included with Version 5 will be video examples showing the set up and process from start to finish.

A further Version 5.1 update will be released shortly afterwards, which will include more details of what's possible with Hedger Pro. There will also be a short course included with this upgrade for beginners, and video instructions to follow.

Version 5.1 is required due to a scheduled updated for Hedger Pro that simplifies the trade process even more, and will allow members to place all daily trades that fall within the selection parameters within just a few clicks.

ETA for Version 5 if possible is the 31st October, however this depends on the current Hedger Pro update in process to introduce the trading features from the developer version.

I'd estimate that if this is delayed and I'm unable to record the required content for the version update, it will not be held up for too long, and a second realistic release date would be the 14th November for V5. Version 5.1 I will aim to have available by the end of the year.

I'd personally like Hedger Pro ready for trading using the new features by the end of this week, and have time scheduled for this so I can record all the content I require next week, and have the guide available by the end of October as planned. It all depends on the developer version being made active in the public live version.

The Trade Guide V5 will be available to purchase online at Exponential Bet, and is a one off fee retailing at £99.99. Hedger Pro is a separate subscription, and has options from monthly upward to yearly.

The option to purchase the guide and use the information contained within on another platform is possible. Any members who wish to use Fairbot or Bet Angel, I'll gladly still provide the files to import.

However, we strongly recommend utilizing Hedger Pro as it's been customized specifically for the guide, and will be adapted moving forward to integrate additional trade methods included for members.

All future updates to the guide are included in the one off purchase, so existing Trade Guide members will receive access to the coming updates at no extra cost. They will be emailed access details to get started.

Auto Dutch Beta

This is a system I originally created to automate Dutch betting using downloadable custom made software.

The strategy is set up to stop at a profit each day, and return on each win approximately an even return. This means that some days it could stop after just one winning bet.

It is presently still in beta, and scheduled to move to an official version at next update.

The use of downloaded software I found restrictive for a long list of reasons, so I decided to pause the use of the system, and transport it to run on the cloud based set up.

A large portion of members where requiring constant upgrades to the software, specialist set up if outside the UK, and the added expense of a VPS to run the software locally.

The continual updates and challenges of trying to provide a software based solution distracted from the service development, and given I am partnered with Nigel with Hedger Pro, the logical decision was to move this system to an online set up to eradicate these problems.

The premise of the strategy is valid, and with the advent of Race Researcher to uncover more potential to profit using the foundation from the original strategy, this system is definitely worth the effort to move to the cloud.

The new annual predicted balance growth will be revealed soon, but is circa +500 points during development. I'll also publish full details of what to expect over a betting year, and backdated results showing the performance of the selection criteria.

The goal for Auto Dutch using the stop at a profit method is to minimize exposure, return an evens return on the win as previously stated, operating a stop at a profit option for members, but with the update to move from beta follow a more targeted betting schedule optimizing overall profit growth.

At the next upgrade members who purchased Auto Dutch Beta stand alone package will receive an update included in your membership, explaining the new betting parameters within a downloadable PDF. These can be applied manually if that is the preferred option.

Additionally, any members subscribed to the previous betting software who's paid for the service during the transition to moving to the cloud, you will receive the full term of your paid membership to run Auto Dutch on the cloud set up.

This will have to be individually managed as everyone has a different start date, but I will organize this once the official version has a set release date.

For any new members wishing to join going forward, this will be available as a subscription service with the cloud set up included in the membership fee. It will no longer be available as a stand alone product.

The plans will vary from monthly starting at £29.99, with options available up to yearly, and this will be available to subscribe directly from the site.

ETA for this release to existing and new members will be the 14th November. I'd hoped to have this ready for the end of October, but I am log jammed and cannot meet that deadline. I am confident that mid November is a realistic launch date.

Remote Dutch Betting

Dutch Betting at Exponential Bet used to include a very popular BSP Multiple strategy, but unfortunately Betfair recently decommissioned BSP Multiples from their site, which of course meant the end of this system which I'd been running successfully since 2009.

As fate would have it, I'd already set up a cloud based Remote Dutch Betting method just out of development, and was in process of inviting members to join this alternative.

I wrote a blog on this at this time which you can read here:

However, since writing this post Remote Dutch Betting reached capacity membership under the initial betting parameters, and as such became limited access to protect members ability to be matched on each bet.

More importantly Race Researcher became available a couple of months into service, and this changed everything.

I'd originally expected to have Race Researcher prior to going live with Remote Dutch Betting, but with Betfair decommissioning BSP Multiples, and the dev test phase being a success, we went live for the two months operating manually.

The experience of running it this way has been valuable, and helped Nigel and myself develop the strategy and platform to how we'd intended from the start. Using Race Researcher data to establish a higher yielding method of Dutch betting, and running the bets automated over the day using less exposure per race.

These new filters will be operational for all registered members from the 22nd October.

Existing members will receive an update to the PDF set up instructions, with some changes to the staking requiring attention prior to reactivating the cloud service to place the bets.

We'll control the staking plans ahead of the new parameters for safety purposes, to ensure everyone is happy with their staking set up, and once they have been reviewed and understood, members can simply reactivate within the cloud settings according to the desired level of betting they select. All will be explained to existing members ahead of the 22nd.

Remote Dutch Betting will then run every day, year on year, according to the filters in place generated from Race Researcher. The annual predicted growth, and what to expect will be covered in detail for existing members.

From our initial projections according to the RR data, we're looking to return +300 points annual profit for members.

New members will be invited once we've assessed the liquidity after we resume on the 22nd. However, we are expecting to have some limited spaces available due to the decrease in overall exposure per bet.

If you're interested in registering on the waiting list for Remote Dutch Betting, and have not previously registered and received confirmation, drop me an email to

I'll write to confirm you're added to the list, and let you know when we have some availability.

Subscriptions start at £29.99 per month, with options up to yearly, with the cloud set up access is included in this membership at no extra cost.

In Play Beta / Auto Football

In Play Beta was originally developed using downloaded software provided by The Bet Engine, and also the custom build software that ran Auto Dutch.

It's an in play betting method than fires bets in play only when specific betting parameters are met, to a target of evens per win, and with a stop at a profit method applied.

This system is in process to be set up using the cloud service, and being ran through Race Researcher to optimize results.

At the next update it will move out of beta. ETA to be confirmed but likely quarter one 2020, and will run as a subscription service requiring no one off payment or software.

Auto Football was originally developed to run using Betsender, and is a simple to apply daily strategy allowing for higher staking, but with a more moderate steady return on investment over the football season.

This system is in process to be set up using the cloud service, however it's a lot more complicated to replicate, and with the introduction of new data will need more time to introduce to the cloud set up. It will require a custom build.

I'll assess the benefits of re introducing this service, as existing members who purchased this strategy as a one off payment still have the ability to run it using Betsender.

Since releasing this system in 2017 I've discovered Trade On Sports, who are experts in football data driven strategies, and for both pre match and in play trading are unrivaled.

If you have the time available to learn how to trade football, I'd highly recommend Trade On Sports, and have an exclusive discount available here on your first month membership:

I have also posted a few blogs regarding the pre match trading, which you can read my most recent here:

However, this does require a hands on approach using the platform, so we are certainly looking to create our own original football betting and trading strategies using the cloud service, for members who prefer to set up and leave to run unattended.

The Auto Football System may well return with some tuning, and running over a bespoke built cloud version, but we will need to consider if this is the best option, or to simply direct you toward Trade On Sports given they are a football data specialist.

ETA for any decisions for Auto Football is to be confirmed, but like In Play Beta both of these updates will likely come quarter one 2020.

Membership Options

The facility to subscribe to everything in one package is definitely a popular option, as I used to offer this as One Subscription.

My experience tells me to hang on adding an all in one subscription option until all cloud services are active, and I understand fully what's being delivered in the early part of 2020.

A sensible idea would be to include all cloud based services in one membership option, with a subscription to Hedger Pro, and access to anything requiring a one off purchase.

One I understand fully the timescales for the upcoming 2020 inclusions to the cloud, and the extent of content available within the Hedger Pro library, I'll then be able to add this type of membership plan to the site.

ETA for this is quarter one 2020, which I'd estimate will be closer to the end of March.

Any members who've subscribed to the One Subscription plan and waiting for any of the above to transition to the cloud, or for an update to an included service from this list, you will have your membership either extended to cover this cross over period, and the updates will be sent to you directly once available.

Anything you've purchased within a previous plan has been delivered, and you still have access to these services via your login details. However, I will make sure you receive further access to the cloud versions if currently an active member, which I've done for existing members already transferred to Remote Dutch Betting.

Additionally, I'll review on request anyone's active subscription to personally ensure you're getting the services you want to be included, against what you've subscribed. I will be able to assess this better in December, with the active cloud services running, and Hedger Pro library available.

New Releases In Development

New releases in development between Nigel, Keith, and myself will be announced over the coming months, and realistically with the focus on the JV System no more new systems will be introduced this year.

We meet each week to discuss our analysis, and this means we could uncover something that is uncomplicated enough to introduce via the cloud set up very easily, but apart from what's covered in this post we've no plans for anything else in 2019.

I'm working to launch the new Hedger Pro library before the end of November, and alongside this what I've gone over in this blog. I'm busy enough with that alone, but will be lining up some exciting options for 2020 during my research periods.

Near the end of this year I want to set up Zoom meetings for Trade Guide and Hedger Pro members, where I live trade, or go over specific updates to the platform answering any questions immediately.

With regard to the systems being made available, re introduced, and offered via invite over the coming months in 2019, I'm excited enough for what they will produce as the predicted annual profits are impressive.

If you've any questions, or if I've missed anything here that you need answering, drop me an email to and I'll get back to you asap.

Later this week I'll post again giving more details on Race Researcher, as Nigel blew my mind with some scheduled updates to the platform to help us extract more data, and help us further create more profit.

Also, more info on how it will eventually be available for you to access online, and create your own betting and trading systems. I could go on and on about it, as I've a lot of new information, but I'll leave it here and come back with another post or two in a couple of days.

Thank you


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