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Remote Dutch Betting, Back With a Vengeance!

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

A major update will be applied to Remote Dutch Betting on the 31st October.

In this post I'll go through what's new, and how it will benefit members.

Starting with staking, as a two staking plan options will become available to select within the member login area.

This will provide the facility to run the staking plans individually or consecutively, with user defined balances and stake amounts set for each within the dashboard

Staking now gives members the ability to run a Dutch Betting method, and a Straight Betting approach placing flat stakes.

For example if selecting Dutch Betting and a race had four horses, the Dutch would cover the four horses for a maximum stake amount set for this Dutch bet.

However, in the same race if selecting Straight Betting a flat stake would be placed upon each selected horse.

The Dutch Betting style operates a controlled exposure process, which is a formula created to assess the likely hood of a winning bet based upon the filtering criteria programmed in to Race Researcher.

Simply put, if a race is more likely to produce a win from the selected horses the staking adjusts accordingly, if it's less likely, it then also adjusts to return a profit on the selections, but accommodates for this fact keeping overall liability to a minimum.

This automatically calculates the correct amount of money to distribute based on the chance of success, while still capitalizing on the races where chosen horses go on to win in less likely scenarios, but with less risk overall.

A race with a higher percentage chance of winning has more stake distribution, a race with lower chance of success less exposure, but still shows a good enough return on the winning bets to warrant being involved.

This way of betting reduces exposure across a betting day, but over the long term has proven to generate a steady line of profit growth as shown below.

dutch betting system

The image represents results applying the Dutch staking method from January 2018 to the present day.

You can see the blue line of growth is consistently heading upward over time, which is exactly what we're looking for when creating these systems within Race Researcher.

Stats to the right of this represent a good spread of races at 22588, so you can see a lot of races have seen bets placed, returning a total points profit of 1296 accumulated for this period.

You can read more about how the stats breakdown in my previous blog posts, or by visiting the updated Remote Dutch Betting page here:

The points growth is excellent for a Dutch system, which is a reflection of the clever staking system deployed and filtering process Race Researcher communicates to Cloud Bet Bot daily.

The drawdown (DD) is also very appealing, at just 12 points within virtually a two year time frame.

This makes the Dutch Betting option the safest of the two stake plans now included for RDB members.

Looking at the Straight Betting approach you'll see things are a lot different, and it comes with some caveats, but the long term rewards are here to see.

The image shows the Straight Betting results from January 2018 to the present day.

Just like the Dutching method the blue line of growth is consistently heading upward over time.

The red line in both examples is lay betting, which shows a consistent line of decline selecting the same horses in each race, and lay betting them, so this is definitely a system for back betting.

Your eyes are possibly drawn toward the total points which is a colossal 36082 profit, which is an impressive points tally to accumulate within this time frame.

Bear in mind this is flat staking each selection to win, so with the higher ROI comes more overall investment compared to Dutch betting across all horses spreading your stake, but the long term profit makes following this staking plan hugely attractive to a lot of members, myself included.

However, you will notice with this staking approach the drawdown figure is 224 points, which as you know is the largest amount the system has lost at any given point during the betting process.

This means if you follow this stake plan you have more ups and downs, and your available points balance needs to allow for this fact.

You may hit a losing run and need to allow for this, because when the strategy does win and push on the rewards are incredible, but it's a lot of flat staking within each race that requires deeper pockets to manage the funds.

This is the more risky staking option in comparison to Dutching these horses using a max stake per Dutch bet.

You control your balances, investment amounts, staking, and which strategy to decide to run within your user dashboard.

You can choose to run just one of the systems, or have both running with different sized banks and staking amounts.

BSP is now an option for RDB members included in this update, for both Straight Betting and Dutch Betting, and available to select within the user dashboard.

For the straight bets it's of course simpler to apply with the expected minimum £2.00 Betfair threshold requirement needing to be adhered, but they are direct win bets, and as such simple for the bot to place to the exchange.

Dutch betting however requires a different approach, as a minimum of £2.00 is required across all selections if following the BSP rule.

Should your stake hypothetically be £10.00 max for the Dutch and we've eight horses, we will have some horses placed at £2.00 or more on the well fancied runners, but the outsiders will require below £2.00 to cover them, making a BSP bet impossible.

Nigel has created a hybrid method of Dutching, which in my opinion is genius.

Basically, if it's able to be covered for £2.00 within the Dutch then it's BSP, if it's below it's placed on the live exchange.

The way the Dutch bets are placed using this method creates some variance on returns across the horses, so we're not looking for a stereotypical Dutch bet return, so a lumpy Dutch (so to speak) is absolutely fine.

This will now allow for larger stakes to be used for Dutch betting, and with the reduced exposure explained earlier members should have no issue being matched. Providing enough money is available in their accounts to cover the Dutch calculations, and the staking is set up correctly allowing for this.

The BSP option for Dutch Betting we expect to be available in the 31st October version update.

I will cover staking in depth, and how to set this up within the login section of Cloud Bet Bot for existing members ahead of the 31st October, also for any newly invited members this will be sent in an email at sign up.

The purpose of this blog is to give you an insight in to the new RDB, which I hope you agree is showing incredible potential, and is definitely one to include in the betting portfolio.

On this note here is a question I get asked a lot, 'can I combine strategies, for example run the JV System, Remote Dutch Betting, and Trade on the exchange', with the simple answer being yes.

Firstly, Cloud Bet Bot once set up does not take over your Betfair account, you can still access it and place bets or trades normally. The bot just places the appropriate bets to the races according to the selection filters.

If you're running multiple profitable strategies all at once there will be some cross over within markets of course, but over the long term these will average out, and you will show a correct profit in each.

As an example, your JV System bet is placed in a race, but you're also operating the Dutch method for Remote Dutch Betting, and set up a trade for a horse to green up pre race.

What may happen is the trade may not green up, it could close out before the race commences for a percentage profit, or even hit the stop loss. Also, JV and RDB may lose, and you could be looking at a loss in that race.

On the flip side your trade may green up pre race for your target profit, reducing overall liability on the JV and RDB selections, ie boosting their potential ROI, which could both go on to win returning a higher profit across the board.

For the JV and RDB systems you have a profit and loss recorded either within Cloud Bet Bot according to your start balance set, and stake system.

With your trading if using Hedger Pro as I'll be advising in the next Trade Guide V5 update, Hedger Pro itself keeps a daily record of your activity, so you have all your betting and trading balances being tracked separately.

This means that over time you have your records in order, and no matter how the bets or trades cross over, providing you're activity is profitable overall you're just using the same pot of money divided into different strategies to build your bank.

If you decide to run more than one strategy at once and expect an overlap within races, this is not a problem. The way Cloud Bet Bot is set up and Hedger Pro, your records and means to record your overall P&L for each is made simple.

As stated, the prime focus is running profitable strategies to contribute to building your entire investment. How you decide to divvy it all up with each strategy is under your control via the login to Cloud Bet Bot, and how you manage your daily trades if using Hedger Pro.

Remote Dutch Betting itself has been created using Race Researcher as I mentioned in previous posts, but also using minimal filters. This is the not a convoluted betting system, in fact it has just five criteria in total, one of which is the number of years historical data used that has to be selected.

The strategy for both staking methods are about 90% the same, with some slight variance across a small section of criteria.

What I created with Race Researcher is a trend analysis strategy, and as you can see from the numbers simplicity works. This is assessed over time to ensure the trends are keeping up with the times, and with the output from Race Researcher ensuring we're working to the correct benchmarks.

The bet volume every day UK and Irish Horse Racing is available has increased significantly. This is something I've covered at length in previous updates, but with the new selection parameters this has literally shot up.

With today as an example Dutching in over 30 races, and of course Straight betting if following this stake method.

This is a huge step up from the previous betting sequence, which was circa four bets per week, whereas this strategy built using Race Researcher covers most races throughout the day, and operates seven days a week.

We are assessing whether including a stop at a profit option would be worthwhile, and this may be included as an option for members when betting resumes on the 31st October.

I'll keep you updated on this, and provide the statistics to back it up if we find it's a valuable addition to both staking methods.

The way Race Researcher is being developed by Nigel with a steady flow of weekly improvements to the accessible data and filtering, we'll be adding options for members of both the JV System and Remote Dutch Betting included within your membership.

These will contribute to cross market trading using these betting methods, adding place market betting, and in play, which are two areas we want to explore with Race Researcher.

They will be available within the Cloud Bet Bot platform in future updates, and can be activated. They will be optional like BSP / exchange betting, and how to stake.

For now though Remote Dutch Betting is back with a vengeance on the 31st October, and completely transformed.

This is the service Nigel and myself envisaged when we first brainstormed the concept of a remote betting system, and we're delighted to be able to deliver this for existing and a limited number of new members.

If you would like to register to be included on the waiting list when spaces become available for Remote Dutch Betting, and have not previously registered, send me an email to and request to be added to the RDB list.

Any questions let me know, and I'll get back to you asap. Bear with me at the moment with so much going on, but I always reply personally within 24 hours.

Thank you


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