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Expo News 6th December

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

In today's news post:

  • Weekly result update and round up for the Automated Betting Strategies.

  • Important service news.

  • Essential comparison (to help you see the light). :-)

  • In Play Bet Club progress and upcoming guide.

  • A welcome return to manual Dutch Betting coming soon.

Today's news blog is a long one and mainly text, so strap yourself in, grab a coffee or whatever your tipple, and get into it if you dare.

Just a quick one before I begin, the video recordings I promised to cover the services in a detailed overview, and also the video FAQ mentioned a couple of months ago will happen when I'm moved in to my new home in January, and feeling healthier after my op.

They are both very important to me and will add value to the services, helping members with set up and any money management questions. They will always be there as a resource and available 24/7 when I'm unavailable.

You can expect to start seeing these added to the site as a resource around February 2022.

Automated Betting Strategies

The results for all services are now updated to include last weeks betting, the monthly totals for November, the Ratchet figures, and also the start of the new quarter starting in December for Ratchet with Place Betting, as instructed last week to reset and get ready for the three months ahead.

You can view the results for each service via the main menu by selecting Betting Strategies, then from the drop down choose the strategy results you wish to examine to find the detailed overview, month by month, and Ratchet numbers if it applies to the strategy you have selected.

The Week in Brief

Overall last week we made a great profit across the majority of services and options.

The strategies that finished in profit last week include, Lay Dutching and Racing Lays all three options made a good profit last week. It would have been better but a bet on Sunday dropped some points.

Bet Advantage continues its solid form and we're seeing a steady upward turn with this strategy.

Please make sure you read the import news update below that affects Bet Advantage and Lay Dutching.

All the Sure Favs services made money at varying levels, but a decent profit was banked with all three last week.

Bet Focus straight staking had an excellent end to the week, which makes it two weeks on the trot this service has made a profit.

Place Lay Multi as stated in last weeks news post looks like it's curve reached the bottom, and for the past two weeks has finished with a good profit overall, and continues to head in the right direction. Slowly and steadily pushing back and will recover to an even higher recorded profit.

Services that finished about evens with a tiny profit were Bet Focus using Target Profit, Place Back Multi both straight staking and target profit.

The strategies that made a loss over the week were Place Lay Multi Liability Betting, ie BSP or MTP, which just dropped a couple of points to be fair compared to its exchange based option that finished in profit.

Place Lay Single came close to profit a few times, but finished down on the week for both exchange straight and liability betting.

I would also recommend looking at the monthly numbers for each service which are now updated for November, because from a total of 36 published bet options we had 28 in profit, and 8 in the minus.

This accumulates to a total of +425.51 points profit, with the total lost points at -124.67, which leaves +300.84 points from all active flat staking betting options not including Ratchet.

This is judging the profit and loss as though we are betting on every option which in reality most members would not be doing, but it's an important gauge to assess overall performance.

As things are simplified with each of the services it will become easier to follow all betting options if that's something you want to do, as the options that would possibly conflict or be detrimental to overall gains in the short term will be minimized.

Nothing will change with the win market services until we reach the two year mark, at which point I'll reset the balances and streamline the staking options to focus on what is proven to make the most profit.

I have covered this at length in my previous news posts, as it's all about making money, and anything I can do to make this even easier for members to join and get onboard with the services as quickly and simply as possible has to be a good thing.

I'll cover this in more detail below with how some of the applicable services are forking into one service at the next reset point in June 2022, and which ones are already benefiting from the merged data usage.

What this means to you the member is that you only have the staking options within the bot that will make you the most money, based on two years accumulated data run through the AI Tool Researcher.

A couple of services will merge into one at that point, which just focuses on the same betting market and reduces the potential conflict of interest following multiple betting options.

It will make creating a betting portfolio using the automated strategies much easier, but overall a lot more profitable as more members will be able to take advantage of each betting market covered.

Important Service News

I wrote a couple of months ago that I would be simplifying how things work across the site and for the services specifically to maximise profits as explained above, and that's exactly what I've been working on.

This is why services that were on a dip are now showing consistently profitable results, and this is represented in the monthly updates for Bet Advantage, Sure Favs High, Lay Dutching, and Racing Lays, all of which had the update applied either on the first of November or near the end of October. That's no coincidence.

You can see this clearly with the monthly numbers showing a very good points profit for each.

Some of the updated options will take more time to show the improved data application with the update, such as Place Lay Single and Place Lay Multi, but what you can see with both of these already is a reversed trend of the dip with resistance to it and movement in the right direction.

Place Lay Multi specifically having two winning weeks most recently after a poor couple of months, and Place Lay Single returning a profit across all options for November. Which for the previous two months it had dropped points.

This shows a definite impact and reversal of losing unnecessary points due to the trend update eliminating filters that do not help the long term plan.

It will definitely take time to realise exactly how much more money we will make using all the updated services over the months and years to come.

Place Back Multi now has the latest update applied, and like the other two place services this will take some weeks to be able to show the impact.

Some of the services have merged already, very much like a fork in a blockchain. I will keep them the same within the bot up to June 2022 to give everyone a chance to pick an option, and contact all members of the services in operation to make sure set up is either adjusted, or I will automate the adjustment with Nigel within the software for you.

What does this mean exactly?

Well, for members following a few of the services they will become one service, and for other service options for strategies that will remain untouched they may cross over to other service options.

It's all about making money, which means simplicity for existing members to organise a portfolio is top of my priority list, as I want everyone enjoying the best of the best options with each service at all times.

For new members making the information available easier to understand by scaling it down to what truly matters is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and with the accumulation of data with the strategies now really starting to paint very useful pictures it makes realising what has the best long term prospects as an investment much more identifiable.

The most obvious stand out from the data is the cross over of the markets by trying to do too much.

Something which at the start of proceedings back in June 2020 wasn't visible, but over the duration of betting has become glaringly obvious.

Reducing the betting options to focus on what works best opens up more scope to use an increased variation of services at once, and you would want to pf couorse if they are all showing a good profit.

What you want to avoid regardless of the fact there are long term profit based services is too much cross over of interest.

I have been over this to explain how things do come out in the wash, but for members following strategies sometimes this is hard to factor in, so from my side I've taken this onboard and will steer the strategies towards capturing sections of each market within each applicable race with minimal cross over.

I think we can all agree that is the best way forward when operating multiple automated betting strategies.

A good comparison is when blockchain technology merges, which relate to different parties using the same common rules to maintain the history of the blockchain, but this requires change to the protocols and users to upgrade to the latest technology.

With the automated services we will have shared common rules and history will be maintained and built upon, but this will require some changes to the services that fork with upgrades to the staking options.

This will give members an increase in performance and actually a lot more value for money with membership, but another huge positive is that it will free up resources within banking set up.

With less options to cover the points value can be used more effectively for more profit.

This will of course be re assessed when it comes to next years reset and valuations on required points over the year to ensure we're operating well within safe limits, but not to the point when profits will take too long to build, but at a rate we can enjoy some exciting balance growth.

The way the services will merge will be as detailed below, and I will of course be sorting memberships to accommodate everyone 100% fairly to either move or add services to existing memberships.

For new members it will just make life so much easier.

Lay Dutching will merge into Racing Lays, as they have both been functioning as the same service since the start of November.

The fixed liability and fixed stake option will remain for Racing Lays.

Lay Dutching will then cease to exist and be archived to the history page.

The crux of the switch is that both services are lay betting in the win market and often see a cross over of interest.

The trend analysis identified the filters that required adjustment, which I included as covered above in November and the results speak for themselves at +34.18 points in November exchange staking for every option.

It is common sense to run the optimum version of any strategy within one market at a time if this option is clearly visible and available, which after such a long period of betting using these strategies it is now obvious.

In addition to the merge Racing Lays will be simplified to one betting option, merging Main, High, and +5 Stop into one stake option across the entire week.

As mentioned the ability to bet using fixed stake or fixed liability will absolutely remain as this is important to offer both, especially given Betfair only allow BSP lay bets at liability stakes, not fixed stake.

I will begin to strip the option to subscribe to Lay Dutching from the site ahead of the merge, with the other service changes listed below.

To recap, Lay Dutching will merge into Racing Lays on the 1st June 2022. This will give us a single lay betting strategy within the win market.

The staking options will be reduced to one single decision within Racing Lays with the option to bet fixed stake or liability with or without BSP.

The second merged service will be Bet Advantage will merge to Sure Favs High, which means Bet Advantage will also cease from June next year along with Lay Dutching.

There has definitely been a cross over of interest with Sure Favs and Bet Advantage at times, and this is regardless of the knowledge that over time these things level out, in the main when people join they want to activate everything which is natural, and this is precisely why I've worked to make everything as bullet proof to operate together as I possibly can.

For the month of November Bet Advantage all options and Sure Favs High have been placing the same bets, and returned +19.38 points profit using BSP, with +21.32 recorded using exchange straight.

Removing the conflict from the two services and making sure the value betting approach is applied to Sure Favs High as I have done aiming for the bets with higher odds makes perfect sense.

Any member of Bet Advantage or Lay Dutching will be moved across to the merged services listed above, and no interruption to your betting will occur.

We've got approx six months to get this sorted and set up, and in the meantime all results will continue to be recorded the same on site prior to the merge.

If you've been running more than one option of either Lay Dutch or Bet Advantage since the trend update dropped in November then you've done very well profit wise across this period.

My immediate advice if you're running either of these services is to choose one bet option, as they both operate the same placing identical bets.

If you're subscribed to both Lay Dutching and Racing Lays individually then cancel your Lay Dutch subscription as you only need Racing Lays. Then just choose one option within Racing Lays.

If you're subscribed to Bet Advantage and Sure Favs, cancel your Bet Advantage membership, as you only need Sure Favs, and select the High option. As the bets placed here will be identical to Bet Advantage up to June 2022.

Sure Favs will retain all its betting and staking options, with Main and Foundation untouched and key strategies within the service. The Ratchet results that are associated will also continue without change.

Place Betting will also see no change to the three available options, with place backing and laying all being covered.

The backing option is currently operating a simplified selection method and I will cover this in a couple of weeks when we've more date. This is the only simplification to the place service, but no bet types at all will be altered as we've no other cross over to think about here.

The two updates for Place Lay Single and Place Lay Multi are both in operation and all bet options within the three place services will remain exactly the same, with either fixed stake straight betting and liability MTP or BSP for laying, and straight and target profit for backing.

The automated strategy portfolio will from June 2022 for the following twelve months be as follows:

  • Sure Favs, including Main, High, and Foundation Straight or Target Profit.

  • Bet Focus Straight or Target Profit.

  • Place Betting, including Place Backing, Place Lay Multi, and Place Lay Single.

  • Racing Lays, which will operate with one stake amount, but retain the fixed stake and liability MTP or BSP options.

This puts is in a strong position for the year ahead to capitalise on all services operating concurrently with minimum overlap and using optimum settings.

You can adjust your set up accordingly right now based on this information.

The strategies listed above will operate for the full twelve months from the 1st June 2022 without deviation, and the data accumulated over this period adding to what we have already will help us progress these to a higher level for the years to come.

Before the services merge officially with Lay Dutching and Bet Advantage removed I'll make sure everything moves across seamlessly.

I promised I'd operate these service options for the full year, which I will stick too.

Also, it can't hurt to operate both while I set up a smooth transition.

IT is a dark art, and I'm happy to let them finish the term using the merged settings as they are already running using an optimum setting, so this will push the balance to a higher profit before they merge.

As mentioned the subscription options will be updated on their pages, and I will make sure it's clear that these will be expiring and absorbing into the services listed above as explained.

I hope that's all understood, but of course any questions please let me know and I'll get back to you asap.

Essential Comparison

When I first set up Exponential Bet in 2017 I came from an investing background and wanted to create betting services built upon that mindset, with the capabilities to build a betting balance over the years.

Not looking at the immediate hot tip each day, and avoiding speculative punting, partly because I'm absolutely useless at it, and also because I've no interest in discussing these things as my focus is purely on developing strategies to use as investments.

Since I began its fair to say I have experienced success and failure.

The success I've built upon to create more using the same formula.

The failures I've learned from quickly, and have been invaluable in my development to know what what does not or who not to work with, and to push past this and achieve something very special that I have wanted from the day I started with Exponential Bet.

What I have now is a portfolio of services that over the years will take a sum of money invested and continually build this to a larger amount I can eventually use toward my retirement.

What I've explained above regarding streamlining and improving what I have learned so far and to get the best out of the data, this without blowing my own trumpet is far beyond what 99.9% of related so called competitor websites have the capacity to achieve.

This is down to the collaboration with Nigel Dove who enabled me to realise the potential of my strategies, and created bespoke reporting and assessment tools to make it a reality.

I feel lucky to have met the guy and have him in my corner. Without his IT skills and understanding of the betting market I would still be looking for third party solutions which come with great compromise.

We've battled it out between each other and created hands off betting investments for members, and I will show with examples below these are up there with the best, with have the scope to expand a lot further than we are seeing at this moment.

Imagine the results recorded so far as less than 1% of where we will be in 20 years.

Having services that can operate an investment hands off, or by giving me control to invest on your behalf has been a dream of mine, and something I didn't think I'd have so quickly from starting in 2017 to collaborating with Nigel in 2019.

I will do a video review of what's out there at the moment on the net within the betting industry, and a no holds barred assessment of how I see it compared to what we're doing at Exponential Bet.

As this is the thing, there is quite literally nothing like us out there. This is exactly what I want obviously, but for most it makes us difficult to categorise. To be fair I'm fine with this as we'll carve our own way.

In all the time we've been online there have been websites start up with similar concepts, but when you really look at them in detail they are either not offering a hands off investment that has serious evidence it can deliver what we offer, and in most cases they are just copy and paste templates of someone else's idea, whereas I can safely say everything at Exponential Bet is the product of Nigel and myself.

I'm m not here to hate on other sites today, and I won't mentioned any, although I will when I go through my web search video of what's out there, but what I want to do today is look at the Bitcoin market in comparison to one of our services.

Love them or hate them crypto is incredibly profitable, and if we all had crystal balls we'd have bought huge amounts when they were first introduced, and now living on our own islands, that's a fact.

What's also a fact is that is something we can't change now, but we can use the most recent relevant established data to demonstrate exactly how investing with a long term plan can truly pay off for us, and make this count right now.

The choices we make today shape our tomorrow.

I made a decision to stop covering crypto on the site back in 2018 when I used to write about it a fair bit, and have just been holding on to some coins I own, buying some more BTC and ETH occasionally whenever it dips, and overall my portfolio has significantly increased.

I've had to hold on when the markets crash and people are writing it's the end for crypto, to see them recover back and reach a new high level.

A lot like the services at Exponential Bet, which have had highs and lows to reach published profits.

With the introduction of NFT's and Meta (not just the Facebook Zuckerberg nightmarish option) I can only see crypto increasing in value to the levels John Mcafee mentioned when he said he'd cut his c**k off if it didn't reach $500,000 by the end of 2020, and in fact far beyond this now as it appears to be everywhere and the market share keeps increasing.

Can you believe land is selling right now in the metaverse for millions of pounds, virtual land and property. Much like when the internet was forming and we all didn't have a clue about it, it's the wild west for the metaverse and crypto is going to play a big part in this.

Having your income streams set up correctly with the world going mad and society changing at a rate of knots we should all be trying to get ahead of the curve, or at the very least be somewhere around the curve.

The majority of the coins are owned by the filthy rich which puts some question over the fragility of the market, but to me it just explains the exact reason it has so many highs and lows to keep pushing the value higher over time. I probably don't need to explain this.

Anyway, I honestly haven't come on here to start ranting about crypto, as I could talk about it all day, but I want to compare the progress of BTC over the past 12 months when looking at our services.

The same factors and drivers apply here, exactly to the letter. As you can see how members will join at a high point and drop a service at a dip to subsequently missing profits that follow.

The data we have in comparison to crypto is nowhere near the same level, and I understand a lot more factors are there to consider with that market, but focusing on the fact it can be a long term investment, which it is for me, and if you look at the market for the past year while I've been holding my coins you would see there have been periods where some people would have weak hands and definitely sell.

Whereas I'm in this for the duration with a long term view, and the amount of money I purchased my coins back in 2017 and 2018 initially, then a bit more along the way was a lot less than they are worth now putting me well in the profit.

I could have got off for a loss though and given up plenty of times when I woke up, checked the market, and got that sinking feeling. This is why I stopped checking every day and only look every now and then.

I'd do the same with the automated strategies if I was a member. As checking all the time interferes with sensible decision making, and makes it more about short term gains, which for me crypto and any other investment I have alongside my automated strategies certainly are not.

The betting strategy data so far is a mere blip in comparison to BTC or ETH like I say, and I can't wait to have years under my belt with the final cut strategies listed above that will continue from June 2022 when forked with LD and BA, and in exactly the same way I approach my BTC and ETH investing I'll leave my money to grow judging my progress with the value of my points increase, not the value of the point itself which is how crypto operates of course.

If we judge the initial day zero for starting our betting, ie the first point and go from this alone we can judge it as a point value increase over time as I cover with the example below.

When we look at Bitcoin for the past 12 months we can see it started at a value of £14,439.03, and is now valued at £37,157.65.


Now if you came in at the start of this twelve month cycle you would have seen the balance increase as you can see by 157.34%, which is amazing obviously.

Overall you would be feeling pretty smug at this point if you'd held on over the dip you can see in the middle, and regardless of the current drop we're seeing in December you're still well in profit.

However, it's not all been sunshine and roses, and if you got involved in May you could have seen your investment drop dramatically almost overnight.

It's taken the best part of seven months to recover this investment, and now looks like the market has taken another dip to roughly where you came in if starting in May.

Over this period you could have given up and sold for a loss anytime up to September when the market began to rise to a new high over £51,000 by November.

These are two very different experiences of investing where timing is key if you're not intending on seeing it out for the long stretch, as this time next year the market may have moved over £100k where its predicted to reach, and this is where I see it heading.

You could have entered in May, made a loss by selling before the market rose again, or even sold now when its dipping again after having enough of the ride that's not yield a profit in that time, only to miss the following year growth, or maybe it takes two or more years, but if you're in with money you can afford to invest that's the potential of long term investing and no matter what you're not selling until you have a good enough profit you're happy with, which is your target amount we all should have to reach when we put our money to some good use (or not so good it's your call).

The point is, have a target amount, set up with money you can afford, and let it run ignoring the dips as the peaks will come. It may takes months or even longer, but it shouldn't matter if you've budgeted for this.

I am considering a more long term package with my services beyond the annual that could prove to be the better option, possibly a bi yearly. If this does spark your interest let me know.

To me it defies logic selling on a loss after experiencing the feeling first hand, only to see how much I could have made if I'd held firm.

If you're set up to let the money run and comfortable why would you sell, or give on up on a long term bet strategy.

I did dump some BTC very early on when it went up to £1000 then dropped to £300, and I had a crap experience. I learned my lesson quickly from this, and when I did re invest I did it was with money I won't need until I retire, and if it goes it goes as unlikely as that is, but its still factored in and it gives me the comfort to let things unfold.

It also makes it extra interesting watching the market and reactions as things skyrocket or drop like a stone, as I know my money is in for at least another 10 to 20 years depending on when it reaches my own personal target.

Now let's look at the recorded points growth for Place Lay Multi in comparison.

place betting

This is December 20 to December 21 so far, and using the liability option so we can assess BSP which gives everyone the same result.

Using the same example if you invested your money at the start of December and left it in until now betting 1 point per bet with fixed liability, and with BSP so your odds are exactly as reported, your single point value has increase by 111.19%.

Just like BTC there have been ups and downs, and moments when you have seen the balance decrease from a higher point, but ultimately if you left the money in you would be up by 111.19 points from entry point.

Which is comparable to BTC growth, and with BSP this allows for larger sums to be invested and matched.

The only thing I am really comparing here though is the start and end point, as where you get in reflects the decision making.

If you joined in June you could have thrown in the towel by July, and then missed a huge swell in profits up to September, then a lot of up and down followed by a highest recorded drawdown up to the levelling off we're seeing now.

Basically, you would be back to where you started from June to the start of December just like the BTC example above if you bought in May.

The timing of any investment is obviously important as it dictates the journey you will go on, and then your subsequent decision making, as nobody enjoys seeing large amounts of money they have put in drop to the minus for an extended period of time.

I'm in this for the next 20 years if this gives you any idea of my long term planning, and intend to make enough to retire early along that timeline. Letting the remaining profit build until I'm so old I want to give it all to my god children. I'm a simple man with a simple plan.

However, one thing is absolutely certain, you are guaranteed to lose either when you either sell for a loss from where you invested, or with the betting strategies if you lose faith and quit the to stop betting.

The graphs above show a good example of different periods over a timeline that may trigger this reaction, but the resounding evidence with both is that they both have shown a record of success from start to current point.

The thing that has been proven time and time again with investing in crypto, property, shares, whatever, is that most of the time you hold out over time with your investment you make your money back with a profit.

I could copy and paste literally an endless amount of screenshots from both betting and crypto timelines above showing when people would join and quit, only to miss the following balance growth.

With crypto the only people who profit from this are the ones who scoop up the lower market prices on the dip, so in my opinion a large proportion of the BTC holders for example manipulate these situations.

When people panic sell more people buy, so why panic sell if you know you're giving it to people at a bargain price who will benefit later on if they hold, but of course not everyone does, and the same applies with the automated strategies.

I have people who join and leave, then re join, and leave again when we dip, and the cycle repeats. It's frustrating for me if you hadn't already guessed, and why I go to such lengths to explain these services are definitely for the long term planning.

It will always be the same with anything. When the property market crashed the people who had cash available to purchase at the lower rate have made an absolute killing now.

The same applies with crypto, at each crash point if you got in you're on the road to make a lot of money further down the line, providing you're not using money you need to survive.

If that's the case you will be forced into making a bad decision quite possibly, not all the time as you can see from the BTC graph above if you got in this time last year, but it's likely even at some point, and this is why having money put in you're comfortable with is vital for long term success.

The success comes from your mindset first and foremost, and this will affect your decision making when things aren't going to plan.

If you're investing amounts that don't affect your day to day life, and have a long term goal with following either the automated strategies or any of my services, you will make money over the years ahead, as you will in my opinion with crypto, property, and a long list of other investments that are set to shape the way we live over the years to come as blockchain will.

There are many examples I can take from crypto or other markets and put them side by side with the services at Exponential Bet, as the entire philosophy of investing applies.

These are not tipping services or get rich quick schemes, and neither is any serious investment unless you get very lucky, right time right place scenario, all of the above are long term investments, set up for the ups and downs to eventually return phenomenal profit growth.

If you're looking to join or an existing member, please make sure you're set up for this and expect it to be the case.

The strategies and algorithms that trigger the bets were created for this type of investing, which requires the correct outlook from the start with sensible money management.

Be the person who gets in with a plan to let things run for the years and enjoy the ride with money you can afford, you will then as history has shown at least be in with the best chance of success.

If anyone is interested in a longer term plan beyond the annual let me know, and I'll give this some serious thought.

In Play Bet Club

After the essay I've just written above this will be short and sweet.

Really I just wanted to update you and let you know I have placed a few in play bets over last week, and just getting back in practice after some much needed recovery time.

I've not been through an entire card yet as I normally would on a working day, but made sure I keep my eye in as they say.

I'll publish my latest results update for the strategy I will be using for the In Play Bet Club later this week, or possibly in next weeks news update, as I am still casually getting back in to it and taking it slow day by day.

If you missed it I went into hospital and I'm just in recovery, hence the break and easing back explained above.

The few bets I placed though have all been winners following the in play club strategy, and the confidence to place them according to my rules is quite literally like riding a bike.

This is exactly what I wanted for the In Play Bet Club.

A consistent selection method that can be measured over time, and as it's the same process this will allow me to make my own judgement calls on timing for example to achieve better odds, use the data to improve my entry point, or even back more than one selection per race to boost profits which is very doable.

I will also be creating a do it yourself guide for my in play betting, which I aim to have done for early next year, actually sooner than later with this as I will be demonstrating how to get the most from Bet Mover within the guide, but also how to do it without the software.

I find Bet Mover to be a huge asset with my decision making when betting in play, there is no question it has taught me a lot about what to look for with the data and also speed of bet placement it's a huge asset.

However, it is possible to take this knowledge and still make decisions in play using a platform such as Fairbot and the Betfair live stream.

This actually opens up the scope to profit from more racing over a race card as Bet Mover doesn't cover the whole card, or even every days racing.

I've been betting the past week using BM for a few bets, but within races that aren't covered in the platform just using Fairbot and the live stream.

What I can't do is add the results for this to the existing In Play Bet Club as they are bets placed for members of this service will be through BM following the strict triggers for this.

I can however publish my separate results for the manual non BM bets, and record my progress, then include the selection process for both methods within the upcoming in play guide.

This will open up the strategy for people who want to use BM, and those who do not.

By this time next week I'll have results updated for both approaches, and you can follow my progress up to the In Play Bet Club launching in January, and for when I finish the In Play Betting Guide separately.

It feels great to be betting in play again, and I'm genuinely starting to feel a lot better after the operation. Not over doing it, and just taking it step by step towards my scheduled January release date for the service.

Noticing the logic could be translated very easily to just a platform like Fairbot and using the livestream came from having some time away to think outside the box, and with some days of no betting in play available within BM I could see the same bets I'd be placing using BM when watching the live stream hovering over target odds on horses I felt would struggle, which obviously make great lay bets in play, and it just clicked.

How I translate this within the guide should not be so hard, but it will require some extra thought process given BM has specific metrics compared to translating these from the live race alone.

An interesting challenge I'm up for, and I'll make sure the guide is useful for both BM and none BM users to create a consistent profit betting in play.

The Return of The Dutch

Excuse the title, I couldn't help myself.

Exponential Bet was founded on Dutch Betting, and when I began Betfair would allow such a thing as BSP Dutch bets, those were the days.

When they pulled this from the site I dabbled with a remote Dutch service that for all the wrong reasons of technical application would never be possible. The sheer amount of money available to do this at the time I placed the bets created more chaos in the market than good, so I had to ditch that concept.

Now over a year later I will re introduce Dutch betting to Exponential Bet, but not automated and not me placing the bets for you remotely.

Instead a strategy I've been using with great success for the past year and I'm happy to share within a guide.

This is the simplest strategy to learn and won't require much effort, and no deeper knowledge of horse racing to implement.

I'll make sure it's also video based to clearly demonstrate what I'm doing and the decision process involved.

2022 will see the Dutch Guide return and my In Play Guide as explained above, which will be two stand along products requiring no subscription.

Okay that's me done for today, and if you made it this far well done you have my instant respect. If I've made any typo's please excuse me as I am recently let loose from the hospital, which is the excuse I'm holding on to.

I hope you found today's news update interesting and useful in some way.

I'll be placing more in play bets this week, and of course tracking the progress of the automated services as we approach the funny months.

For the place betting services its been educational, but from last years numbers we saw a slow but steady start which I expect to translate into the 2022 numbers.

Thanks for reading


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