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Betting & Trading News 16th August

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

Updated: Aug 17, 2020


I've a fair bit to go over in today's post, but before I begin let's get the almost irrelevant stuff out the way just for info purposes, as from now on Expo News posts will be titled Betting & Trading News.

Quite simply it's because Google likes this wording better, whereas Expo News means something to us who are already involved, but nothing to the Google algorithm.

Right, now that's out the way...

In today's post I cover my work schedule for the remainder of August and into September, so you know what's in the pipeline and when to expect it.

The Trading Service restart date, the additional member bets and where they are being generated, plus two major updates to be introduced for JV MK2 Foundation, and tomorrow for RDB Dutch expanded on from my previous blog posts.

Also whats to come for RDB Straight next in the pipeline with the foundation update, which will definitely require dev testers in September.

After receiving emails on running multiple systems at once I need to cover this in more detail today, and how to set yourself up correctly with the right mindset.

I will take a deeper look at the running total for each service in a separate post, as there is a lot of content required for that alone.

Finally before I get started I do get asked a fair bit about my set up, and I've hummed and hawed as to whether to share this, as it's kind of like, hey do you like my rig...

However, I get asked a few times a week what set up I'm using for trading, so this is my desk, and with some other musical bits I rarely have time to use.

In fact I've another six retro style synths in storage with two old school effects systems. One day I hope to have more time, and will set up a decent home studio. However, we have to prioritise, and working on Exponential Bet after a weird racing lockdown is my prime focus.

For betting and trading and the way I work on Exponential Bet, the multi monitor set up is essential, I'd be lost without three big monitors now. Plus a decent fast PC with speedy internet is a must, that's it really.

I've a good audio set up now, with that red device you can see which is a Focusrite audio interface, and the Rhode mic make a huge difference.

As my audio in video recordings has been shockingly poor in the past, so future audio and video should definitely be a lot cleaner.

If you fancy sharing pics of your bet and trade set up I'd definitely like to see where you work, or if you have any geek tech spec questions about mine I'll happily reply with more info.

trading desk

home office

Okay without further ado...


Before the racing suspension was applied in March I was actually scheduled to release an update for The Trading Service.

An initial PDF video walk through being readied to demonstrate live pre race trading using Hedger Pro.

This is an advancement on the original Method 1 trade system, which you can find out more here:

After releasing this guide I'd expected to put time aside and create a remote trade service for a smaller group of members.

A way for me to place the trades remotely, with some caveats granted as it is trading and reliant on liquidity etc, but still with the right member volumes doable.

Since then with having the time and space due over the lockdown period, instead of this I've formulated a better idea that removes the limitations for members.

Still obviously with some factors to consider as stated being that its trading, but a far superior plan for everyone with a more rounded product and service.

I will still release the trading PDF and video walk through, which I'll be allotting time to finish over the coming couple of weeks, and prepare for the end of this month all going to plan.

Bearing in mind (and no excuses) Nigel is away on holiday this month, and I'm running the show on my own for a couple more weeks. I still have enough recorded valid trading examples, and will record more to add to this content.

It will be available for all Trade Guide customers free of charge, and also active One Subscription members get this included with a quarterly subscription upwards. It shows trading on the live Betfair exchange using Hedger Pro, and may well include some downloadable software options for those who prefer this.

The PDF will be the final update for this particular trading strategy, and show you step by step how to follow this daily.

This does not mean it will be the final update for the Trade Guide itself, but for this trading approach it will be fully explained in this version with no more content required, other than possible editing or revisions.

For Trade Guide members its basically the last update in this series, and One Subscription members, this will be a one off addition to your plan you will be included within for the duration of your membership.

I'll explain this in more detail when you're scheduled to receive the guide, but it's an effective trading strategy, and something I've personally used hundreds of times to consistently make a profit trading pre race.

You can see from the published results via the link above how this method developed over time, and with the addition of Hedger Pro data and automation included, it made the process even simpler to execute.

For One Subscription members with quarterly or yearly memberships, you will receive the trade guide updates of course, but also to be included as an additional trade service.

Instead of running a service which I place the trades for you remotely, I'm planning to work with Nigel and create an online platform so you have the ability to run my trading strategies remotely, much like RDB and JV MK2 work on auto pilot using the Researcher engine.

However, what I want to add to this is the ability to for you to customise your own strategies using tools available within the platform.

I still need to drill through the finer details of how this will be implemented with Nigel, but the back end is already there, and it's a case of linking this and giving you the ability to operate a fully automated online trade bot.

With strategies created included, which you will begin seeing more results and details published over the coming weeks, the goal is then for you to be able to expand on these to have the ability to experiment without trading, and I don't mean simulation mode, but instead up to the minute race assessment with the ability to look back in a multitude of ways.

Then when you're ready put in to play your trade strategies, and adjust settings that immediately translate from your assessments running on auto pilot, but all within one platform.

I have a clear idea of what I want to achieve with this, and just need the time with Nigel to clear up exactly what's possible and what's not.

What is certain is this will give you the same access to what I now use when finding the specific trades, and to analyse your racing results in depth and help create your own trade strategies using my methods.

This will run my built in trade strategies within a single platform, with no back and forth external bots or trade software required.

To give you more of an idea, you will be able to identify trades from approx 9pm the day before racing, and using tailor made filters you can adjust these and find winning swing trade strategies. I've been doing it myself recently using the platform in its rawest form.

You can also find up to the minute or even past the post scalp trades.

With this particular set up you will need a subscription to access the platform, but I am looking to also create a stand alone one off payment version, ie you get the base data together with your own spreadsheets and time your trades without any automation. I will have to assess the value of this option to create.

I'd like to offer both options to help all members to benefit, and hopefully we'll have this available at the same time as the subscription service, or thereabouts.

The platform I use is versatile and capable of assessing data in a very unique way, and able to provide very deep assessment of racing to let you create a plan that can translate into a working fully automated trade strategy.

There is a lot of work to be done for this, but I think it's something that a lot of you will want to use.

If having a platform that runs both my built in trades using automation so you can just set it up and let it go hands off, but also allows you to create your own automated trade strategies from the same data, would this be of interest?

If having a manual version you do it all yourself with instructions for how to set up, collate the data to identify possible trades etc, but just as a one off payment is more appealing.

Please send me an email to with the words 'Trading Service Auto' if the manual option strikes more of a chord, reply with the words 'Trading Service Manual' in the subject line.

Please with the utmost respect meant, no lengthy questions if I've a hope of finishing this. I'll certainly make sure everyone that responds is invited to an early access dev version first.

Initially though the scheduled Trade Guide will be available, which is a clever way of pre race trading daily that's tried and tested, and will include video examples to walk you through to start with confidence.

The aim is to have the PDF with embedded video ready for the 31st August.

I'll have more info to follow soon on the automated version described above, once Nigel is back and out of holiday mode.

Foundation Update

Before I begin covering the automated services, RDB Dutch, RDB Straight, and JV MK2 Betting System, I want to explain briefly what a Foundation Update is, as you will read about this throughout the blog.

When I set the strategies up at the start of this year, a regular trend analysis was scheduled to assess the natural curve that occurs in racing over time, and in fact any sport.

We'd been working on this for an implementation in April / May 2020, then we all know what happened, the world went crazy, racing was suspended, and now we have to wear masks to go the supermarket etc etc.

As such the foundation updates for the services were put on hold for obvious reasons.

We're now in the third month since racing restart, and I've been working on how these foundation updates will add value to the existing services under the new race set up.

For those not in the know, compared to how it was pre lockdown racing has some noticeable differences, but that's an entirely new blog post on its own I'll attempt to cover in the future when all this is behind us.

Right now the focus is on what's in front of us, adapting quickly, and making the most of the opportunities this race card has to offer.

The first service to receive a full live introduction of the foundation update will be RDB Dutch, which is scheduled for tomorrow, and there has never been a better time.

RDB Dutch

Today I hadn't even realised we lost an RDB Dutch bet as I've already switched to the new set up which had three wins. It's only when I came to update the weeks results earlier I saw this and kicked myself at not updating this last weekend.

For the current service we're now showing a small loss overall on the year after today's loss, so as stated above the timing is right for an upgrade to RDB Dutch. I'll explain the differences below.

On Monday 17th August RDB Dutch switches to the RDB Foundation Update.

As a member of RDB dutch you do not need to do or change anything, and your target liability set within Cloud Bet Bot will remain the same, and is actively saved.

What will happen though is explained more in my recent RDB Dutch blog you can read here:

The service will have its settings expanded as part of the wider plan pre lockdown, and will increase the overall bet activity significantly, while still operating within a tight parameter.

As an example of how it is now and how it will be, on Friday we had one bet under the current settings, and it lost unfortunately.

dutch betting

The image above shows on the 14th August D1 which is the filter range for RDB Dutch right now, which had one bet that lost -1 point.

Under the updated foundation settings we roll out tomorrow for RDB Dutch on live for all members, the day looked a lot different.

lay betting system

You can see the difference immediately, we had 6 bets and 5 wins that recouped the single loss within one day.

The middle section shows some of the rule coding that goes to make the selection process, but you can see the running total and bets placed with a points tally.

This of course won't happen every day were a loss is recouped immediately, as we know it's betting so winning and losing runs occur, but it's about setting ourselves up with the best chance of success.

I tightened the current parameters as coming out of lockdown using the existing settings was just too aggressive, not taking in to account the vast difference in the race card set up.

It has been a period of adjustment with all services, and trying to take as much from the race data each day as possible.

This is part of the adjustment to the new card, but also presents opportunities to work with the increased data filters available on the updated Researcher platform, plus the foundation update was scheduled anyway.

To his credit before he went on his jollies Nigel worked his arse off to make sure I had the tools to continue my work in his absence, and move the services forward.

If we take a look at the current filter set up from the start of racing restart on the 1st June to the 14th August.

betting system

We see a small points profit of 3.63 taking in to account the two losses, and just 50 bets, with a drawdown of 1 point over the betting period.

Bear in mind these are the throttled settings I introduced to gain more control when needed later in July, and as explained in my recent RDB Dutch post.

If we take a look at the foundation update with RDB Dutch in operation over the same period, it's a totally different story, and gives a much broader example of Friday's betting process running these side by side prior to applying the update tomorrow.

lay betting system

Instead we see 17.21 points profit and 14 losses, but over 212 bets. With a very appealing drawdown of just 2.32 over a 2.5 month period.

We do have a stop down in place of 3 points per day, with no stop up with RDB Dutch.

The update tomorrow is significant compared to the current set up, Friday being a good example in comparison over a betting day.

RDB Dutch is actually Lay Dutching service from tomorrow, which the majority of the races selecting more than one horse to include.

These are still to your max target stake, so they are backed using a fixed liability across all selections, with the advantage of reduced losses, and more selections available given the wider ranking criteria I've set for this version.

From tomorrow the update will be applied for all RDB Dutch members, and as stated you do not need to change a thing within your settings. I'll be doing this after today's racing has finished ready for tomorrow.

If you're interested in joining RDB Dutch (Remote Daily Betting), you can do so via the link below, as this also comes with RDB Straight. A backing service that covers at this moment a couple of applicable horses in qualifying races.

RDB Straight

This automated betting strategy is without doubt the most volatile of all betting systems I operate, and I make no bones about this on the service page stating this clearly, but has shown the most profit to date this year out of all the services.

Showing a profit this week of 16.62 points winning 5 from out of 7 days betting.

Overall this year the points balance sits at 84.24, with 799 bets placed and 21.03% strike rate.

The current drawdown under the existing settings sits at 37.63 points, which is a lot to take for some people, and a more robust version would be appealing.

As we don't want to go beyond a 50 point drawdown if we can help it, but we don't want to throttle the service too much taking away the overall attraction.

Additionally, there is a case for an even more aggressive version. As this week alone had the stop down setting been at -8 points instead of the current -5 we'd have returned 37.33 points.

A foundation update for RDB Straight is scheduled for September, and I'll have more details of what's included with side by side comparisons.

We could end up with a more conservative and aggressive version, with the current one in the middle. This would provide the right comfort level for all members to reap the reward I'm considering.

You can sign up for the RDB Straight service that includes RDB Dutch here:

An optional extra like the JV MK2 foundation update currently in development testing is the right way to proceed with this for RDB Straight.

JV MK2 & JV Foundation Update

The JV MK2 betting system is a fully automated betting strategy, linked to your Betfair account like RDB Dutch and RDB Straight, placing exchange bets directly to the exchange, or with BSP selected.

The bets placed are on just one horse per race for JV, and the strategy calculates this horse as the most likely to win these races. It will always be the favourite at the point the bet is placed minutes to post, or in the case of the optional foundation update, one minute past post time.

This means for the existing JV MK2 live version running for all members right now, the bets are being placed close to race time, but before the race is scheduled to begin.

With that you have the confidence the bet will be matched in time on the exchange, and placed for all subscribed members within Cloud Bet Bot.

Why bet after post time, well the closer to a race starting as possible the better the chance of finding the winner.

It is amazing how much can change in markets within seconds, or in the blink of an eye as the horses arrive at post and go behind.

Also, the wider foundation settings allow for more opportunity to bet, which I'll show you in the comparison stats.

What you're looking at above are the points stats and results shown from the 1st June to 15th August running JV MK2 foundation update.

109.49 points, 753 bets is a big step up on the current selection process, a drawdown of 21.39 over this period, but a strike rate of 39.18 to give us a lot of confidence in the strategy.

Winning 41 from the 76 betting days is also important, with a longer points run than losing one, which shows to be more robust than the current JV MK2 live version.

The stats above show the current settings for JV MK2 live from the 1st June to the 15th August.

These numbers will differ slightly from published results as explained with the RDB Dutch overview. Simply because the settings were tightened during July in much the same way as RDB Dutch after restart, due to the huge difference in racing.

If I display results showing adjusted settings like this I'll always highlight it for total clarity. Also, it gives you a clear logical view of why I made any adjustments.

It's taken this long with a lot of working on the Researcher alongside Nigel to find a way we can bet using automation with JV MK2, finding the right fit with the new race card, and how best to proceed.

For actual live results placed for members you can always check the service pages with links to excel downloads, and stats available.

I thought I better re explain this, as members have enjoyed a much more productive service since I throttled it and then reopened the filters bit by bit to a comfortable level.

It's important for me to be able to show the current filter setting results without this confusion. The results above are the presently active live JV MK2 settings for clarity. I will however work to include with Researcher a cross over reference point at some point soon, as it does not have this option, it's something I have to do manually.

Anyway, I digress off topic.

First thing to notice is the points balance with the current JV setting, which is 38.03 in comparison to 109.49 shown with the foundation version. That's a huge difference, and even with the caveats still worth running the update.

Number of bets are about a third of what we had with the updated version, but with less drawdown at 18.57, and more winning days at 53 from the 76 the strategy got involved given the stop up.

JV MK2 live presently stops up at +1 point profit automatically, and works within a tighter range, plus it puts the bets on at the moment 1 minute to post as explained.

Whereas in comparison JV MK2 foundation update has no stop up in place, so it can achieve any target profit in a given betting day, and puts the bets on 1 minute past post when the horses are typically loading.

You will have a small proportion of members that miss bets with JV foundation, it's proven to be the case in dev testing, but + 90% of the time bets placed have matched for everyone, and bets missed have been 50/50 win or loss.

This means it just balances out over time, and given the high strike rate with points made over the example period, it also makes it completely tolerable in my opinion.

From the hundreds of dev testers I can count on one hand messages I've had from members who've missed bets, ie the bot has shown a bet error.

However, in the main over a year betting the strategy will get the most bets matched. I don't see this as a problem, I see it as a caveat of running JV foundation version.

It really just comes down to a split second in some cases, and that can go either way as explained.

As we're placing these bets -1 minute past post, with the 10 second run in to confirm odds, this can be the difference sometimes, but I really am making more of this than I feel necessary to be fair, as I'm overall delighted with the dev testing outcome.

This week specifically the JV MK2 live has not had the best week dropping 19.26 points, but JV Foundation has done a a lot better making 7.50 points.

The JV foundation version since dev testing began for me has made 13.96 points using BSP, and slightly more with Exchange members.

I know Nigel would disagree, but Exchange betting with this system gives a slight advantage getting bets matched over BSP. I use BSP so I've missed a couple of winners, whereas some exchange users may have achieved more profit over this period.

Members will have the option to run both consecutively, and given the long term view and stats it does make sense to do this, which I'll expand on in managing multiple strategies below, but the option to select one will also be there as this is not a compulsory update like RDB Dutch.

Two versions will be available to select under My Services within the Cloud Bet Bot dashboard once Nigel is back and up to speed at the end of the month.

I'll confirm this for all members ahead of making it available in the dashboard, so you all know it's there to select if you wish.

For now dev testing continues, which if you want to be involved in we're still taking on dev testing users, just drop me a quick email letting me know.

One final thing on JV while I'm here, I get asked why is it called the JV System.

It's called The JV System because when it was originally conceived the idea was it would be ran between three people, so it was a Joint Venture, ie JV.

Things change, and I took over the service in 2020 renaming it to JV MK2. Renaming a strategy when you've a large membership already in motion is not a good idea in my opinion, so a simple MK2 I hoped would help make my mark.

You can sign up to the JV MK2 Betting System here:

Running Multiple Strategies

I wrote an email to members earlier this week touching on this topic, so if you read that apologies in advance for any repetition here.

If you're a member of different services at Exponential Bet, ie on the One Subscription plan and have access to run RDB Dutch, RDB Straight, and JV MK2, with soon to be included JV MK2 Foundation, plus RDB Straight Foundation options, you will have to either decide to run all at once with individual start banks, and percentages per bet of these banks, or choose which is right for you to mix and match.

The simplest way of looking at it is they are like stocks or shares you invest in. As for each investment you have a start balance that goes up and down over time, and you have options to invest more, leave them to run, or sell.

You can and should apply this logic to your betting, and especially so if operating multiple strategies at once.

It's exactly the same, and also compares if investing in multiple businesses, or various other ways to spread your assets to create a portfolio.

Each of your investments will have high and low points over time, some will consistently perform well with the occasional dip at a high strike rate, while others may be more volatile but with the appeal of higher potential profits if things work out as predicted, then you've your steady low percentage returns but with minimum risk of blowing the bank on these, kind of like your ISA's.

Wherever you put your money each investment will perform differently, and needs to be assessed individually.

As an example, you run all Exponential Bet strategies at once with a 1% of allotted bank per bet for each strategy.

You should treat each strategy as an individual investment, and no matter what your balance in Betfair split between them, you have the ability to follow each on their own merit.

If they all bet in the same race at once, and only one of them wins, there is no difference to if they had bet in three separate races and the same outcome occurred.

Your balance within the Bet Placed section of Cloud Bet Bot will still show the same information for each service in the total.

Pick your investment / strategy, set up your allotted amount for the strategy, and give it a percentage of this per bet, then let it run.

Which brings me to the point that you should only be investing or betting with money that is not going to ruin your life if it was lost, and this applies to every type of investing.

If you put in more than you're comfortable with, you will have weak hands when a market moves against you, and potentially exit which could mean you miss the profit if that market begins to move the right way.

They say with investments such as stocks and shares, but the same applies with property investing or if you're a speculator in the small business markets, but you only lose if you sell when the market has moved against you.

If your money is still in, and you haven't gone broke, then you have effectively lost nothing. Which makes perfect sense.

I've seen this with betting so many times, members will join possibly when things are looking great, and we inevitably hit a losing spell, as it happens with any betting system.

The savvy member will have set up the bet bank with the right percentages, and just ride this out until losses are recouped to a new profit high.

Anyone who's joined during a dip in form will be more tempted to quit obviously, as the confidence comes with experience I totally get it, and also I have to emphasise automated betting systems are not for everyone.

Regardless of the results data I publish some people jump in all guns blazing with no plan sadly, so when a dip occurs they knee jerk.

It depends when you enter the market, whether it be a stock or joining a betting service, if that form goes down you can be tempted to sell, or with betting systems quit and go looking for the next best thing. In which case you could be on a road to the poor house.

Chopping and changing your plans never built anything worthwhile.

I do understand that nobody likes losing money, it's a horrible feeling, and if you join when we're going through a period of drawdown all the published stats to date may seem like total BS.

If you've set up your balance, percentages, and invested an amount you're totally comfortable to run over the long term, you can see we've never hit a 100 point drawdown, and overall so far in each instance when a bad run of bets occurs these are recouped over time which we hope gives you the confidence to ride it out to a positive outcome.

That's no guarantee it will happen within any given period, as we may have some up and down months along the way, as it's betting and without making an excuse, it's betting after a suspension in racing that's never in the history of the sport occurred.

My advice on this is simple, set up correctly from the start with realistic expectations. Treat each system you run like an investment, a business, each is an individual share you purchased to leave over time with a view to cash out later, and you've allotted a specific amount of money in the kitty to grow over the years you're comfortable putting in, and just let them run.

If you change your mind try to exit when you have recouped any losses if you find it's not for you, as we go naturally through ups and downs. The graphs show this very well.

However, to get the most out of these betting systems which are designed to make betting as simple as possible, put in what you can afford and leave it to go.

That's by far the most fun, zero stress, and from historical results since I've been at the helm with all these strategies overall we show a profit, and with the balance heading the right way.

I designed them to make life easy and build a betting bank with solid race data, which won't always get it right as the bets are placed without any emotion fully automated.

It will get it right often enough to make us a good margin over the years though in my honest opinion. They aren't created to make you X amount each month, they are created to build a balance to projected targets.

Which as stated in my previous posts needs to take into account the Covid 19 break, but still overall we're in a very strong position to see a decent return on our investments.

Another final point to bring to light here is that these systems are still early stages, as I only count them from when I took over and started working on them with a team of dev testers, which for all three began in 2020.

Not even six months full betting taking in to account the 10 weeks off, and we needed a month roll in to judge the race card in June.

If you're running all three strategies and planning to add the optional foundation updated versions, you have the choice to either spread your investment more and hedge your risk, or just add new services on top of what you already run.

Give it some thought, and I will provide the data to back up the decisions you make as I have done above explaining the differences with the RDB and JV MK2 foundation settings.

I can see a lot of people moving to just the foundation option given it operates at a higher level of success, but for both JV MK2 and RDB Straight where these will be optional updates, they can be ran consecutively if treating them as their own individual investments.

I've no crystal ball, but I know each will have periods of high success, whereas the other will encounter a dip in form. It's happened this week with JV Live version compared to JV Dev (Foundation).

Whereas the previous week JV Live outperformed JV Dev by almost double the returned points profit, so don't base your decisions on these weekly updates, take a look at the bigger picture.

If at the end of a betting period of 12 months both strategies returned a profit, and you've invested equally in both, you've made more money than just following one obviously. Like if you invested in two businesses that balanced a good year of profits on the books, but that also carries double the risk of course.

Whereas if you spread your risk that may be more comfortable for you, which overall is the right decision as you shouldn't make any rash decisions.

If one dipped though and made a loss, the other may do very well and just cancel this out, much like RDB Straight and JV Dev have done this week for JV Live.

It's a decision you will need to make based on your level of comfort, but what you can be sure of is that my money is on all of them, and I'm in it for the long term to put in my best effort and make these all winners.

You can either put all your eggs in one basket, or divvy them up and spread your risk. I've not guarantee which will return the best overall profit, what I am working on instead is making sure all strategies do make a profit, so if I achieve this having an equal investment on each system would be the most profitable.

What I want to emphasise here before I wrap up this topic, as I feel I've been Sunday rambling a bit, but if you have your money spread across multiple systems, whatever the percentage you've split on each, treat the individual systems as their own investment within your portfolio.

Forget about making a profit on all of them in each race, just look at how each is performing over the months.

That combined with good money management is how you will succeed at betting long term running multiple systems.

Additional Member Bets

With the expansion of Researcher (which is the engine that drives RDB and JV bets) to broaden its search and assessment options, came more opportunity to find profitable bets.

Basically it's given us a far reaching view of potential outcomes of bets and trades over a long timeline, while also allowing me to filter with more precision over the live betting.

As a result of these extra features that were not available when we kicked off with RDB and JV it makes perfect sense to capitalise on these opportunities now, and especially with some potential weirdness with current racing we could make some extra cash with, but it's how we begin and find a winning rhythm that matters.

The bets themselves as they are generated via Researcher can always be automated, so for active members whatever comes from this will be available in your dashboard to run should you wish.

However, to start with I will either make them available via a secure login throughout the day, post by email, or say sod it and set up the full automation if Nige convinces me it won't take an age to complete, but something like this to test the water.

Access to these bets or trades will be included for any actively subscribed member, and you must be active not cancelled.

For each strategy I'll post a history of research behind the logic, with what to expect if opting to run them.

They aren't beta strategies like in the old days, they are simply additional bets for any members that want to be involved, as I formulate automated methods to compliment what we have already.

They may be temporary for as long as racing is behind closed doors, or become something bigger and better. I'm leaving the canvas blank.

I'll obviously have this in mind during my creative process for the additional bets, to ensure they can run alongside what we already have in operation, or to replace some strategies in certain instances, which will be highlighted for these specific bets or trades. Giving everyone the info they need before deciding to get involved.

As stated above I'll go over my schedule later in this post, but for these bets I could be looking to have something available this month, but I'd write with confidence you will have access in September.

My August to September Schedule

. Add the RDB Dutch foundation update to commence 17th August.

. Amend RDB Dutch page info to match the new set up and PDF, to be completed week ending 23rd August.

. JV MK2 foundation update, add optional access for this on live for members by 31st August.

. Amend JV MK2 page and PDF, look to tie in with introduction.

. Publish Trade Guide PDF by 31st August.

. RDB Straight foundation update added as an optional extra by 30th September, with accompanying PDF and page information.

. Work on the Trading Service September with a view to have available in October.


It's certainly been a challenging time since racing restarted, and for almost everyone this year in general is like something from a science fiction novel.

We've all had our challenges I'd imagine, and yet we're still here making the best out of what we have.

My attitude is very much this as we steady the ship after such a strange period for racing, as having to adapt so quickly was not part of the plan.

Which I'm certain is the case for a lot of you in your own personal lives, as it is my own. I hear from a lot of you writing about the way your work and personal lives have changed, and I know exactly what you mean, it's the same for me.

We are here for the long term though, and the more time we have to perfect what we do the benefits for members are obvious.

I'll leave it here for now as I could become quite philosophical, but I hope this is enough information on what's presently in the pipeline, and coming up shortly.

Thanks for reading.


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