The subject line for today's news blog refers to Racing Lays betting Exchange Straight for approximately the last six months, which coincides with the trend analysis update applied on the 30th October 2021.
Racing Lays - Exchange Straight - 30th October 2021 to 25th April 2022
It's no coincidence the profit growth has seen this upturn and drawdown remained very low since the trend update, which has been applied now to all services.
Racing Lays is now a robust and consistently profitable service, which has come through logical assessment of the selection filters and trend adjustments to refine the process.
I just thought I'd bring this to your attention as I first mentioned this prior to applying the update and a few times since, but I know some things go under the radar and I don't want anyone to miss the opportunity to include this service within their bet portfolio. With everything else I'm working on recently I haven't brought it up too often, so my advice is to spend a bit of time taking a look at the results since the 30th October 2021.
The results above are all live bets placed, not projections or back dated numbers, these are the results since the trend analysis template was introduced to the filters, and the bot started betting for members using these selections for all the Racing Lay options. You can read more about that, or watch the video's available on the RL page.
It's impressive what can be achieved by accumulating data using automated betting, which I know I am fortunate to have the tools to be able to do this.
Over time using the collated numbers to filter out unnecessary selection processes and finesse the automation truly increases performance.
This is what these long term betting investments are all about, ie improving exponentially to continually increase productivity, and exactly why they are positioned with an investment mindset required.
Members who followed my advice to invest into Racing Lays when the update was applied have enjoyed the high profit growth published from the 30th October 2021.
Racing Lays - Exchange Straight - 1% Ratchet - 1st March to 24th April 2022

Additionally, if we take a look at the Racing Lays with a 1% Ratchet applied betting using Exchange Straight from when we put this bet type into operation for the service, you can see the extra volatility of the Ratchet bet, but over the first two months it's performing as expected with the extra 1% incremental increase calculated from the running total, showing a solid +59.93 points profit.
Exchange Straight if you're not sure is flat betting using a fixed stake, and of course Racing Lays is a lay betting service betting on horses to lose within the win market, which has high liquidity.
The liability of the bet depends on the odds, so to have 148 bets placed during this timeframe and still have just 21.31 points drawdown shows a strong selection method.
The trend update that runs for Racing Lays really stripped away a lot of filters that were what I'd call convoluted.
Filters that initially made money, and over a proportion of the months will return a profit, but over the long term had a detrimental effect.
This is something that can only be established by running a betting strategy live, recording the results into a platform such as Researcher the AI behind Exponential Bet services, and then extracting the simplified more effective version of the service.
All the strategies operate under the microscope of Researcher and receive periodic trend analysis that looks at changes in the industry, jockeys, trainers, rules, and how the filters are performing against all of this over time.
As we accumulate more data the strategies become more robust. The concept and core goals of the services remain the same, but the application becomes more refined and tuned.
I've written a lot about the trend analysis updates in previous news posts so I won't rattle too much off here, but I just wanted to draw your attention to a service that has blossomed since the filters were introduced.
Given the stripped down selection method I can't see there being anything new to add for some time, unless we see a huge change in the industry affecting racing that is doubtful.
This service will continue to be consistent with its performance, and is at the moment the most robust lay betting strategy operating using full automation I am aware of anywhere on the net.
If you know of another strategy that runs using full automation that has returned more profit over the timeframe betting fixed stake, please do let me know so I can investigate.
Like every investment a bet investment will have ups and downs, and you can see this from the results above within both examples, but with a long points plan Racing Lays since the trend update has proved to be an asset to any betting portfolio.
The results for all the Automated Betting strategies are updated and available to view, including the Weekly, Ratchet, and Detailed Overview figures.
To examine results for any service simply select Betting Strategies from the main menu, then from the drop down select the strategy you wish to look at in more detail, and you will find everything there available for you to delve deeper.
Place Lay Multi was the highest yielding service last week when betting with Exchange Straight.
The profit from last week combined with a steady increase in performance since Place Lay Multi received its most recent trend update has seen the Ratchet balance also recover from a dip in form, and now sits in profit.
The Sure Favs services didn't have a prolific week, although Sure Favs Foundation made money while the other two virtually broke even, but combined with Place Lay Single they show decent numbers overall, and for Ratchet betting with 1% selected for the current quarter especially have been very good investments. Well worth a look.
In Other News...
As promised the lower rate memberships that make betting with smaller amounts, ie below Betfair minimum allowed exchange bets up to £2.00 stake per bet, will be available later this week as One Subscription options.
If you're not sure what a One Subscription membership is, it's when you can access all services at a lower cost than it would be to subscribe to two or more.
You can find out more information on the available One Subscription plans available here:
The cost will be just £9.99 per month to access all strategies with the £2 limit per bet, which is a great way for people to bet with smaller amounts, build a balance over time while covering membership fee's, and then re invest to upgrade to a subscription plan that releases the higher staking options.
BSP will only be applicable for the backing options given the lower stake, and for the Betfair minimum £2 per bet. Anything lower will have to be Exchange Straight.
The original plan to add a lifetime membership option will instead be a five year One Subscription offered at half the price of subscribing for the current annual price plan for this period of time.
It's a very cost effective way of running the services with a long term plan, and will save anyone opting for this approx. £1000 over the five years.
I'll have both of these membership plans online by the end of the week.
Bet & Trade Guides
The first guides to be published will be the In Play Betting Guide, with free Trading Guide receiving a significant update.
The ETA for both of these to be published is late June.
I'm aiming to have the Dutch and Lay Betting do it yourself guides available July / August. Then later in the year I'll begin publishing the remaining stand alone tutorials, and adding more content to the In Play and Trade Guides.
In Play Bet Club
The service is now live for members and whenever I place bets they will be put on. There is however a shortage of betting days covered with Bet Mover that has jumps meetings.
The strategy I have deployed from the start is all jumps racing, so this has slowed down my plans to get the wheels moving, but in doing so has opened up opportunities to examine data linked to BM that can both improve how I bet, but also include flat racing.
Given the jump season doesn't really get going again until October having such a limited supply of applicable in play race is not ideal, although not always the case each week at the moment. It just depends what tracks are covered by TPD.
There is enough to bet with of course, and I will work across each race covered within BM that has jumps, but this might not always suit my strategy, and I don't want to be in a situation whereby I am trying to make the most out of a situation of scarcity.
I never bet for the sake of betting and that will not change. However, I will be conscious that I want to make money for my members and get on as many races as possible.
The solution for both maintaining a good flow of bets that does not make me think about making the most of every available race due to the short supply, and keeps my mind solely on making the best selections for everybody, is to have options all week I can apply my strategy.
At the moment that's not possible, but we know of course come October it will be, and there will again be an abundance of races I can use the jumps in play betting selection method.
For now though it is what it is, and I'll only bet when I have racing that qualifies. If you're a member I think that's what you would prefer, otherwise I'd just be punting, and you may as well do it yourself instead of paying me to make informed decisions on your behalf.
Now for some good news on this subject, Nigel and myself are working with the data I've previously mentioned to increase the selection method to include flat racing.
We will have a detailed accurate analysis showing how this selection process can be applied for a consistent profit at some point this week, and then I'll begin a brief live test betting period not covering member bets for a week or two, after which with the data behind me I'll have the confidence to begin member betting on the flat.
I do also have some additional tools with BM that if I told you what they are I'd cause havoc, sorry to be cryptic, but nothing is just done by the seat of our pants. Anything I include to the in play service will have been actual live bet tested for many months before hand and backed by data produced from the platform itself.
Bear with the limited market availability for now and lack of bets, as we will very soon be at a point where I can bet everyday if I wish.
As for the available jump racing covered within BM this week it's a one day only affair on Saturday the 30th April with two meetings, so I'll do my best to identify some in play bets for members that day. If nothing applies on Saturday then next week looks a whole let better thankfully with a lot more on offer.
We have more jump racing covered with BM on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th May, and again on Saturday & Sunday 7th & 8th. Which from the upcoming six jump days over the 13 day period I'd expect to find bets that fit into my in play selection method.
If you want to register for the In Play Bet Club and receive an invitation to join should spaces become available, you can do so here:
That's it from me this evening, thanks for reading.
Any questions get in touch anytime and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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