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In Play Betting Even Better!

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

With the release of the in play prototype drawing nearer, I've been busy pushing to see if more profit is achievable each day, and looking at other races to apply the variations of the strategy included with the system.

Always with any bet or trade strategy I stress test, stretch the options, and have one eye potentially looking to extract more profit.

in play betting

It's going very well in testing, and over time I can see the projected 180% balance growth using stop at a winner (shown in the results below) being doubled, trebled, or even more.

The reason for the potential increase in this testing run is due to extending the stop at a single win, to stop at two wins, or even three in a day, as you can see in the screenshots from today. I've been letting it run further some days, depending on my availability.

Not accepting the first win point, and using more of the applicable racing is showing a lot of potential. The pro's for this are you can end the day with a lot more profit if you hit the right run of wins, the con's are you may hit a losing run you would have missed if you took the early profit. Time will tell if this is the best way to run this system, but I have to inspect all potential routes.

bet in play

Another reason for this is to try and adapt the strategy to ultimately become a set and forget in play betting system. Which I know a lot of registered interest has been requesting.

Getting the prototype guide ready for early access members hit the ground running using the primary method, along with set up videos showing how to install the automated betting files to the API, is without the main priority though.

in play betting system

The early access version will be available in July for a limited time only, and as it stands we're already close to last orders with numbers allowed in the first group, before I shut the doors and assess the impact of liquidity. All members who've paid your deposit are 100% included in the prototype launch.

What's included in the early release version:

  • A PDF guide giving clear instructions how to locate and place the bets from within the API within minutes. This is a walk through with no grey areas, as the selection parameters are broken down in to simple bullet points. Also, demonstrated in the videos.

  • Downloadable files to be installed in to the API. The primary strategy, and a few variations. The variations have details of what races I'm presently testing them against. The files will run the betting system within the selected races automatically.

  • A link to the API which comes with a free trial period.

  • Video's showing the system in use, and how to install the strategy files in to the API.

  • Full support.

If you're looking to register your interest and join group one for the July release, drop me an email to and I'll send you more information. If you register this way and miss out on group one, at least you will be on the shortlist for group two access.

As explained in a previous blog post about this system, I'm staggering the introduction of users to this method to ensure liquidity does not affect performance with increased betting activity.

I am looking for people who will begin using the method immediately, so if you plan to get started straight away please get in tough for more details.

As an early release member, you do also receive a 25% saving on the official launch price.

I've posted the most recent results below for the stop at first winner approach, which I've been running since March this year.

  • 30% balance increase in 3 months.

  • 199 bets.

  • 60% strike rate.

  • Flat staking with no loss recovery, absorbing any losses.

  • Stopping at first win, or break even point if applicable racing runs out on any betting day.

in play betting system

in play betting

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