Just a quick update today to let you know the service results are updated for weekly, detailed overview, and ratchet figures up to the end of business 21st August.
There is also news for In Play Bet Club members at the end of this post.
You can view all of the Betting Strategy results from the main menu drop down, and select the service you wish to examine in more detail individually.
A service I keep pointing your attention toward is Sure Favs Main, which is consistently increasing the balance steadily over time.
You can see specifically from the detailed overview below from October 2021 when the trend update was applied. The service has been on a strong upward trajectory.
I particularly like this service for its low drawdown, considering we've had such a high volume of bets since it began automated betting in June 2020.
If you have been betting using a £10 stake per bet since the live betting results were published, giving yourself a £1000 start bank (100 points at £10 per bet), you would have banked £1718.30 profit if betting MTP.
That's a 171.83% increase on your investment over this timeframe, with just a max drawdown amount of £348.20 to contend with.
Given the option to bet with BSP is available, and you are never going to be restricted for winning using the Betfair Exchange, this is a very appealing long term bet investment.

Last week it was a business as usual run of betting with some of the strategies doing very well, some dropping points, and others breaking even. They are all set up to perform as long term betting strategies, and will have winning and losing periods as they increase the balance over time.
The automated services will all receive a deeper analysis and trend assessment over the coming couple of months, once I'm in my new office that's being built next month. This will involve running the Researcher tool over the result data for all services and filters to ensure each is running using its best set up.
In addition the website presentation will also be receiving a revamp to make everything easier to navigate, which will include an Exponential Bet app to the Google Play and Apple Store which I anticipate will be available by the end of the year.
I know some members do access via mobile devices. The current mobile functionality is lacking in all departments, and not as up to date as it should be in desperate need of a restyle to make accessing the service data much quicker and optimised for mobile.
It's just a very brief blog today as I am playing catch up after being away since Friday last week. I took a few days off to recharge, and it never ceases to amaze me the power of unwinding has on our health, focus, and ability to see the bigger picture.
I've come back to work today and feel refreshed ready to wallop my workload, and had to start with the service result update of course, but now I will as explained last week continue with the In Play Bet Club data.
I've finished the grind of inputting the raw data now going race to race, I just need to bring the past few days up to date. Then I will get to tidying the sheet, ensuring there are no data entry errors, cleaning up the selections and assessing my strategy.
When this is done I'll add the data sheet to a secure member section at Exponential Bet, with my thoughts and recommendations for starting live betting. Then I will take feedback, possibly a final vote, and we will be off and running which as mentioned last week I expect to be early September.
Okay that's it from me for now as I want to make a significant dent in this work for the remainder of the day.
Thanks for reading.
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