This post is for anyone interested in Place Lay Multi, whether that be existing or new potential members.
Place Lay Multi is a Betfair based automated betting strategy, betting solely within the place market betting exchange.
Typically selecting one or more bets within a race. Hence the use of the word multi.
It is not a multiple combination of bets from different markets like a sportsbook accumulator, that can also be known as a multi, it instead represents multiple horses within one race.
The video below explains why I have updated the selection settings for Place Lay Multi, which from the 16th September operates using the new set up.
Make Money Automating Betfair Place Betting.
If you want to know my opinion on automated place betting using the Betfair exchange, with the truth about place betting for groups of members, the financial breakdown of how much money you can make over the long term, with the average annual returns, but showing exactly what it takes to reach the expected target profit amounts with no punches pulled, this video should be of interest.
I'll have details of the updated Subscription Plans available later this week.
Thank you
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