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Expo News 15th June

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

It's a big week in racing with Royal Ascot commencing today up until Saturday.

I'll be covering this each day in as many races as possible with the Bet Mover software and uploading my progress.

I'll also be recording every bet placed and then uploading to You Tube the Bet Mover Toolbox while it's still online as this is moving to Expo Bet.

By the end of the week I'll transfer all my live video to Exponential Bet including a couple of others previously recorded showing a full day each backing and laying.

If you are keen to try Bet Mover and have been hesitant to get involved there is an offer at the moment to Try Bet Mover Free For 3 Days, and then it rolls in to the standard yearly payment after that.

The free trial is no obligation so if it's not for you just cancel during the 3 days and you won't be charged a penny.

I'll be sharing my progress and uploading throughout this week, applying the laying strategy and get on late backing approach you will have seen in my videos.

The extra features such as Velocity, Off Par, Velocity Against Par are now there for you to use.

More development features are scheduled to be included with some exciting options in the pipeline designed for faster betting decisions in play ahead of the live TV stream.

If you're on the fence thinking of joining now is a good time to give it a go, or wait and see how I get on with the races I bet in over Ascot this week and jump in after a day or two following my approach to make money with the software.

In Other News...

The results were updated on Sunday when I arrived back to include last weeks betting totals.

You can now view all the results in detail on each service page via the Betting Strategies option on the main menu at Exponential Bet.

I've also added the monthly breakdown for Racing Lays as promised, and renamed all the heading for both the graphs and month by month figures so everything tallies up exactly to what you see in the betting software, and as you assess the results on the automated betting services pages.

Additionally, the options where Exchange and BSP Liability are available in the bot now have full results data in the monthly figures, which you can click on within the grid and open an image showing the full stats and graph.

I've just Bet Advantage and Lay Dutching to complete the month by month breakdown now and will have this done by the end of the week.

I'm not credit hunting but the Racing Lays took absolutely ages, that was the one I was dreading completing the most given it has so many options and variations to stake, but a few strong coffees and hours later it was done last night.

Any service recording Ratchet Betting results now has these separated as shown in the example below from Sure Favs.

Place Betting, Bet Focus, and Sure Favs now have a separate grid for Ratchet results showing the historical numbers, and the year to date time frame.

I thought this would be a much cleaner way of making all this result information available for you both historical and as it progresses under the current betting period.

You just click to open up the graph and stats for a full detailed breakdown of each betting period.

Bet Focus and Sure Favs reset the Ratchet balance every twelve months, whereas Place Betting resets the Ratchet every three months.

I mentioned last week the correct way of operating Place Betting given the bet volume with a Ratchet to reset the balance and withdraw profits every three months, so the results now represent this and if you take a look you will see what I mean.

It prevents it having such a wild swing over a longer period, ie a year, and provides three monthly profit periods where you can withdraw your winnings and reset the balance to go again.

Sure Favs and Bet Focus have a lot less bets and as much as a year is a long time we've evidence from June 2020 to May 2021 how the betting pattern performed with both of these strategies. In the case of Bet Focus for Target Profit.

If you prefer to operate a three monthly approach with all your Ratchet based strategies I'd support this, and if you request it I can add three month data with Ratchet betting for Sure Favs and Bet Focus as well.

I'll also be adding Target Profit to Bet Advantage as well later this week when I come to do the month by month result data update, as I've been trialling this over the past few months showing a positive return.

Okay that's it from me for now, I'm off to crack my knuckles, fill up my flask of coffee, and do my best to get involved with as many qualifying races as possible with Bet Mover over today's Royal Ascot meeting.

I'll post my video later this evening after tea.



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