You may notice the time this news update has been published, which is way past my bedtime these days.
This is just a quick one, as with the best intentions to post a thorough detailed blog I need my sleep.
I wanted to let you know the results for the Automated Betting Strategies are updated and available to view, including the Detailed Overview, Ratchet, and Weekly Overview figures.
I'd suggest having a look at the weekly numbers for last weeks betting, as we did very well overall.
I'll compile a quick overview of results and bits I'm skimming over today over the weekend.
The video content is also uploaded covering staking advice, points allocation, and betting bot set up, with separate video showing how to get started from scratch.
The staking vid is the reason I'm up so late, as it's about 35 mins long slimmed down from 2 hours, and I had to re encode the son of a bitch about five times, so it may have a few bits to fix along with the other vids that need some re editing, but right now I'm just happy I haven't published a vid of me naked doing the helicopter dance, well I hope not. As I'm just about ready for slumber.
I hope you find the staking explanation video useful in particular, as I cover Ratchet set up in there which is long overdue, and how to allocate your points when looking to divide your money. With instructions after this showing how to then enter your stakes into the bot.
It's a start for now and I'll probably end up redoing the lot at some point soon, you never know you may see my mug on camera in the next ones, definitely not doing the helicopter dance, but for now I'm happy that all the important content is included, as it's a lot more beneficial having it there than not. You can find these videos dotted around the site on the service pages.
I do have news on the In Play Bet Club which is now live for members, but I have an enhancement to add that will literally accelerate profit growth I'm calculating fourfold, which has made me hold back betting this week so far. As I'm working with Nigel on the data and should have some decisive movements by the end of this week on that. Sorry to be cryptic, but we are quite excited and just want to check it before announcing it.
I've recent video clips to add to YouTube in play betting, also new memberships ready for next week offering long term options for life, and low cost subscriptions for lower staking members, additionally, details of the upcoming guides I'll have available over the coming couple of months, and the Bet Focus rather exciting facelift, but as I've already laboured the point it's past my bedtime so I'll call it a night, and go over this in next weeks news post. As I won't need to spend two days encoding hours of video.
I mean, if you were me and had to listen to your own voice, that sounds like Ringo Star in Thomas the Tank Engine for two days solid editing these videos, you would also want to go and lay face down in a dark room for at least six hours. :-)
Thank you for your patience getting the results online and available this week, it was the extra tech work that held it up, and also for tolerating the sketchy news update this week written with one eye open. I can't even blame being a fully fledged sick note anymore.
Thanks again
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