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Expo News 13th December

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

In today's news post:

  • The weekly Automated Betting Strategy result overview.

  • Details of the upcoming guides to be available in 2022.

  • In Play Betting Club.

Just a short and sweet update this evening.

Automated Betting

Results are updated to include last weeks betting up to the 12th December for all the automated services, and can be viewed via the main menu by selecting Automated Strategies, then navigating to the strategy you wish to examine from the drop down menu.

We finished in profit again last week with Lay Dutching, Racing Lays, Bet Advantage, Sure Favs High, and Place Lay Single all options.

Finishing virtually even give or take a point either way with Bet Focus target profit, Place Back Multi target profit and straight options.

A couple of points were dropped for Place Lay Multi liability option, and a few more with the straight stake selected. Sure Favs Main and Foundation also dipped along with Bet Focus straight staking.

The Guides of Exponential Bet

I used to pride myself on providing a solid walk through guide as a stand alone option to any subscription service, but as time has passed it's something that hasn't been included with each service.

Partly due to the focus being on setting up the automation online and developing the strategies.

As times gone on though and the services are settled to the point they are being slimmed down for ease of use and improved consistent returns, I think it's a good time to schedule the manual options for the members who prefer to do it for themselves.

I'll be rectifying this in the first quarter of 2022 with the In Play Betting Guide that will have both bet options either with or without Bet Mover used.

There will also be a pre race lay betting guide using a couple of simple techniques that can be applied daily, and I have already mentioned a Dutch bet walk through.

Anything I personally use in my daily betting routine that makes me money I'll make available next year, and deliver these as video guides showing working examples and written explanations.

The automated services will also have more supporting video content when I have my new office set up, and can easily spend the time I need to create these.

I feel they need this extra layer to provide the required understanding for most members to approach them with the right mindset from the start and reap the long term gains published.

Next year the site will look slimmer like its been on a diet, but fitter and healthier (like me) packed with new content.

In Play Bet Club

Last week I'd hoped to spend more time betting in play but was plagued with migraines. They are a side effect of the procedure I had at the end of last month, and absolutely hellish. Anyone that also gets them will know what I mean.

However, I did manage to squeeze in a single day of in play betting last week, with four days betting in total for December so far.

I've added the results to the In Play Betting page here:

Just eight new winning bets in total added to the results since my op due to required recovery time, but I'll be ramping it up from now on and put in three new bets today.

In Play Bet Club results to date:

The graph above covers 26th October to 13th December 2021. You can find the detailed bet by bet breakdown via the link above.

All the spaces are taken for the in play club launch in January but you can register on the in play page using the link above.

Whenever a space then becomes available I can then inform you if your names on the list.

There are also bets to include for the none Bet Mover based in play bets just using the live stream and same selection method, but for now I'll accumulate more data and get this ready ahead of introducing the in play guide.

I will always keep these separate from the In Play Bet Club bets published as they are triggered using Bet Mover into Cloud Bet Bot. Whereas the the none Bet Mover bets I place just using the video stream and Fairbot.

It's just a variation of the same process without the metrics Bet Mover provides, using the video stream to visually interpret what the data would be telling you and reading the situation whenever possible.

Obviously it's better to have the data and ease of betting provided with Bet Mover, but on the flip side Bet Mover does not cover all the racing each day so having more options available add scope to capitalise with more races available.

With both methods in your armoury it is a very effective technique to apply daily, and my results are excellent with both. I'm able to place confident selections based on a straightforward way of reading the racing in play, either with the metrics or just visually looking for the same triggers I see that correspond to the metrics.

More to come on this second option soon. Both will be covered within the in play guide added next year.

I'll be back next week with another news post and to keep the results updated, also to include more of my betting activity in play.

Then we've got the Christmas break of course, which for me will involve being harassed by my sisters 3 year old twins, oh the joy.

Thanks for reading.


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