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The Rub

If you're looking for long term profits betting and trading on sports, then don't expect it to be easy.

It's how we deal with obstacles that determine our long term success.

I wrote to my Dutch betting members recently about the way Anna Lisa Balding handled the plane crash at Haydock, she deserves some recognition and is an example to us all, I was actually in awe.

Everyone escaped the accident injury free thank goodness, but it must have been terrifying and puts life in perspective.

richard hannon plane crash

Anna Lisa was interviewed shortly after the crash looking very composed considering what just happened, then went on to watch her horse 'Here Comes When' romp to victory in the 2.25pm, which was also included in Value Dutch Bet sent to members.

She was stoic and confident throughout the interview after nearly losing everything in her life just moments earlier, which to me showed amazing professionalism demonstrating such a winning mentality. Truly inspirational in my humble opinion.

A lesson in standing up straight with our shoulders back, and taking whatever comes at us in our stride. Showing the world we are strong and confident in the face of any adversity.

If we gave up at every hurdle or each new challenge we'd never achieve anything worthwhile in our lives. If we quit whenever we lost a bet and went looking for the next betting system, we'd always be watching the balance go the wrong way. If each time the bank takes a dip we jump ship, expect to always be watching the betting bank dwindle, that's the simple fact of it. The profit graphs for all my betting services at Exponential Bet demonstrate this very well.

They all take a tumble at some point, but in the long run recoup and push on to a new profit high. If I'd quit and moved on to something else at each loss I'd never see the benefit.

You will have good and bad days, weeks, or months. That is as they say, the rub of it!

It's the biggest challenge everyone involved with betting will encounter. Dealing with the losses, the highs and lows, the points where the balance is diving, it's these situations where the vast majority of people will either throw in the towel, or jump on to something else.

Ditching what could actually bring them long term profits for the next potential quick fix, it can become a constant case of the grass is always greener, which can be a costly affair.

The perfect betting system that never ever loses doesn't exist, btw fyi in case you hadn't already realized.

Every betting or trading system that is genuine and honest will show losses, but the good ones recoup the losses and make money in the long run.

The instant a betting system takes an inevitable tumble, people have a habit of throwing in the towel, but to learn how not to continually lose is to ride the losses to the profits.

A word of advice to everyone out there looking for betting systems as an income, or a way to build a long term investment.

It is possible to make a lot of money betting and trading sports, but not only make money, but keep hold of the profits and continually build the balance, so please don't feel like I'm being negative here in this post.

When I used to interview people to work in a company I worked for many years ago, I'd always paint the worst picture possible.

This meant they had realistic expectations going in to the job, and would in the long run mostly over achieve in their roles as they expected it to be tougher than I initially explained.

Which is what I'm doing here, painting a realistic picture of things to re adjust expectations before getting in to something with rose tinted glasses.

If you're expecting to be doing something that requires patience and discipline to achieve your goals, then you will succeed.

If you think you're going to be driving a Lambo from your first days winnings, then think again.

I've mentioned Anna Lisa Balding in this thread, because she truly this exemplifies what it takes to be a winner with her attitude on this occasion.

If you can take the blows and roll with the punches, you have a chance of hitting that knock out, which is why I'm in this game myself.

I'll stick to my long game to hit my own targets, and my knock out blow is when I retire by 50 latest with my partner, and enjoy the rest of our precious time together.

Find your passion, invest your time and energy in to this, and make it a reality. It may take a bit of effort and some time to get there, but little by little truly great things are created.

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