It's been a while since I published a news post and they are usually lengthy, but today I just have a few brief updates to inform you of, so I'll get straight to it.
Firstly, the results were posted for all services on Monday this week, as they are always scheduled to go live on the first Monday of every new month.
We finished the month with +42.95 points profit overall for August. The individual results for each service is available here: https://www.exponentialbet.co.uk/results
You may know from the 1/8/23 we introduced a new set of filters for all the Automated Strategies. If you didn't know and would like to find out more you can read the post here: https://www.exponentialbet.co.uk/post/a-slab-of-honesty-pledge-of-profit
In that post I upfront apologized for an error with previous bet settings, and projected we would now begin making a good profit overall for all services in operation, from the 1st August 23.
I think +42.95 points profit is a good start, it shows the changes I made were positive, and produced a profit from the start of last month.
There is absolutely no reason why September can't also be a profitable month at the same level.
The order of winning and losing bets will come in an any order when automation is involved, so we will have winning and losing weeks and months, but the profit growth for all of these betting strategies will be very good, and worth the wait for those who set up correctly.
This will be better judged over the coming months, and years, but I project a lot more winning months than losing, with a steady upward increase in the overall betting balance running these filters set in place from the 1/8/23.
The joining options for the Automated Strategies are available here: https://www.exponentialbet.co.uk/betting-system-sign-up
I'll keep this blog up to date each month with the overall monthly profit and loss for these services, so you have a record of progress from when the new settings were introduced, and how they each performed from that start point.
Ratchet betting is a page that receives some attention, but the actual in detail month by month results hardly any clicks. I noticed we had people looking at the overview, but not clicking in for the detailed numbers.
It got me thinking how relevant they actually are, and the more I looked at the page I found it convoluted.
I've done away with the month by month tables, and now each month will update every service as if being operated using a 1% Ratchet stake increase. There will be a past record of each quarter kept, but not in the same bloated way.
As always they will reset every quarter, for common sense purposes. As any Ratchet left to run infinitely would possibly make incredible profits, before completely wiping out a bank with one bet. The biggest win being the biggest loss.
However, in smaller bursts over three months, it can be quite effective to give a profitable betting periods a nice boost.
As such I treat it as an income generator, and any profit made over three months I withdraw for the Ratchet stakes I run, and then reset the balance ready to go again.
You can find the results for Ratchet betting here: https://www.exponentialbet.co.uk/ratchet-staking
It covers the 1/8/23 to 31/8/23 so far, with just the one month recorded for each strategy using the 1% increase setting.
I'll add September's numbers on with the next result update, and represent each quarter of Ratchet staking across all the services on the Ratchet page.
You can see already from the results, the strategies that made a profit last month had a subtle bump in profit using the 1% Ratchet.
Finally, the In Play Bet Club page has received an overhaul, which has been done to make the information there relevant to how the service operates now, and provide an up to date live record of results going forward.
The results now show the current automated betting filters in operation for all three IPBC options, whereas previously it only showed my results from 2021 live betting. Which is not how the service presently operates.
The settings in place now represent the results available to view as a broad overview showing the profit and loss, with drawdown graph, or to download the Excel sheet and examine the results bet by bet in more detail. Which is there for each of the three IPBC options.
You can find these results and more information on In Play Bet Club, including how to register for an invitation should spaces become available here: https://www.exponentialbet.co.uk/in-play-bet-club
I will have news on the In Play Bet Guide and when I will be able to offer personal live in play copy betting, plus more video content available as soon as possible.
Okay, that's it from me today. Thanks for reading.
Best Regards
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